v5.2.4 🌈
65 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- NaturalComparator adjust Regex WORD_PATTERN, remove isDigit @Pitterling (#249)
- log file encoding @Pitterling (#277)
- Linux Parser - refactoring temp string, comments @Pitterling (#276)
- Graph* - imports, for, while, variable initialization @Pitterling (#273)
- minor refactorings @Pitterling (#269)
- Linux - add missing kmem 11.5.3 chart for standard (short) memory output @Pitterling (#254)
- SortedTreeNode - specify Comparable<T>, remove unused functions, add "lo" device, copyright @Pitterling (#250)
- update to log4j 2.17.1 and johnrengelman.shadow 7.1.2 @Pitterling (#248)
- update to log4j 2.16 and jupiter 5.8.2 @Pitterling (#246)
- Migrate tests to JUnit 5.8.1 @vlsi (#241)
- Bump Gradle to 7.2 @vlsi (#240)
- Bump Gradle from 6.8.2 to 7.1.1 @Pitterling (#233)
- update dependencies - jfreechart, junit @Pitterling (#229)
- revert to "skip_cleanup: true" .. @Pitterling (#227)
- Jfreechart152 @Pitterling (#226)
- update dependencies - log4j, junit @Pitterling (#224)
- gradle 6.7.1 @Pitterling (#223)
- travis - dpl v2, openjdk15 @Pitterling (#225)
- Linux statistics - add TTY,FCHOST - but IGNORE them @Pitterling (#222)
- gradle-6.7 @Pitterling (#220)
- update dependencies - jfreechart, itextpdf @Pitterling (#219)
- sysstat changes 12.1+ io, devices, hugepages @Pitterling (#217)
- more example files AIX, Linux sysstat 12.0 / 12.2 @Pitterling (#214)
- update dependencies - log4j 2.13.3 @Pitterling (#213)
- gradle-6.6.1 & plugin 6.1 @Pitterling (#212)
- travis_deploy dpl v1 which is the still default version --> add skip_cleanup again @Pitterling (#208)
- fixes #201 - add AIX 'run queue' and 'swap queue' @Pitterling (#207)
- Fix #174 compiler warnings + #172 addresses some LGTM alerts @Pitterling (#206)
- FileCSV refactor @Pitterling (#205)
- fix #200 - TravisBuild - openjdk8 is built twice @Pitterling (#202)
- fix #203 - Linux Chart - "Block Device statistics" don't plot 'areq-sz' and 'aqu-sz' @Pitterling (#204)
- Travis deploy - dpl v1 which is the still default version --> add skip_cleanup again @Pitterling (#199)
- Travis build config validation - fix hidden deploy stage @Pitterling (#198)
- Update dependencies and travis build matrix @Pitterling (#197)
- gradle_plugins_dsl and travis_jdk14 @Pitterling (#195)
- Gradle6+GradlePlugin+Checkstyle @Pitterling (#194)
- fixes #192 - remove "Memory Pages" @Pitterling (#193)
- Linux graph - add Network CPU (softirq) processing @Pitterling (#190)
- remove doDebug function - handled by logging level @Pitterling (#189)
- address some LGTM reported issues and other inspections @Pitterling (#188)
- Inspections - casts, java style array, simplify function closures @Pitterling (#187)
- Parser - improve line splitting, parser logging @Pitterling (#186)
- Ksar.java - fix deprecated warning, remove unused/redundant stuff @Pitterling (#185)
- update dependencies - logging (slf4j,log4j) and itextpdf @Pitterling (#184)
- improve logging - set default loglevel to error ; clean log4j xml file @Pitterling (#183)
- Travis - OracleJDKs no longer available @Pitterling (#182)
- SSHcommand/inspections @Pitterling (#181)
- add openjdk12+13 to travis jdk matrix; remove oraclejdks @Pitterling (#180)
- update dependencies - minor versions - logging (slf4j,log4j) and jsch @Pitterling (#178)
- Refactor/unchecked_unused_unboxed @Pitterling (#177)
- Improve build process - 2 stages - 1st: only testing; 2nd: only deploy - revise JDKs @Pitterling (#176)
- build.gradle - update shadowJar plugin; add compiler option "unchecked,deprecation" @Pitterling (#173)
- Linux Parser - initialize DateTimeFormatter only once, not for every line to parse @Pitterling (#170)
- Refactor/xml (Graph+PlotStack) - primitive variables, variable naming @Pitterling (#169)
- Pdf Export - enhance output @Pitterling (#167)
- Refactor/export CSV+PDF @Pitterling (#166)
- Refactor/graph - double primitive @Pitterling (#165)
- Export csv/fix issue 161 @Pitterling (#162)
- adjust SDKs - remove JDK9 and add JDK11 (new LTS) @Pitterling (#160)
- ColumnConfig - remove unused coding; add logging; refactor new Color @Pitterling (#159)
- adjust logging levels @Pitterling (#158)
- Travis+gradle: add openjdk8/9; use travis (build+commit) to change kSAR version @Pitterling (#157)
- Version number - fix recent issue; move version property to gradle.properties @Pitterling (#156)
- VersionNumber - just store string instead of major, minor numbers; @Pitterling (#155)
- travis/gradle.build: - start using of travis build+commit info; gradle plugin & update deps @Pitterling (#153)
- enhance Logging - Header Line, Date Formatter, parsed Date ... @Pitterling (#152)
- add java runtime architecture (e.g. 64bit) to log file @Pitterling (#149)
- Linux/graphs sockets and tasks @Pitterling (#148)
- Support adding earlier values after newer ones. @ams-tschoening (#147)
- Colors - add all missing colors @Pitterling (#146)
- Colors/add missing cpu colors @Pitterling (#145)
- Fix/142 solaris unable to parse date @Pitterling (#143)
- update gradle to 4.6 @Pitterling (#141)
- update shadow plugin 2.0.4 @Pitterling (#140)
- Fix138/Graph.parseline - ArrayIndexOutOfBound - added another catch block @Pitterling (#139)
- Linux/memory_11.1.5 - add new memory output 11.1.5, but use graph from 11.5.3 @Pitterling (#136)
- Sysstat/11.6 @Pitterling (#134)
- Linux sar -v: kernel tables - virtual filesystem - dentunusd file-nr inode-nr - define CHART @Pitterling (#132)
- Build/plugin+dependencies - update shadow plugin / log4j libs @Pitterling (#133)
- Fix/128 hpux unable to parse @Pitterling (#130)
- Build/plugins @Pitterling (#127)
- Add Oracle JDK9 to Travis test matrix @vlsi (#126)
- Build/plugin+dependencies @Pitterling (#111)
- Fix/dialog placements - show all dialogs relative to Main Window @Pitterling (#121)
- Fix Desktop placement in MultiScreen Environments @Pitterling (#120)
- jfreechart1.5 @Pitterling (#115)
- Inspections/graph+list @Pitterling (#114)
- Pdf/refactor @Pitterling (#112)
- update gradle to 4.3.1 @Pitterling (#110)
- Pitterling/add linuxdateformat @Pitterling (#108)
- mpstat has different order of columns compared to sar and requires ... @Pitterling (#109)
- update gradle to 3.5.1 @Pitterling (#101)
- Fix/ Aix cpu parsing fix @elkrieg (#99)
- Feature/Auto date format @elkrieg (#94)
- Fix/csv export date @elkrieg (#90)
- Refactor/splashscreen @Pitterling (#83)
- Refactor @Pitterling (#82)
- Add/logging @Pitterling (#81)
- Fix/inspections @Pitterling (#80)
- Feature/logging @Pitterling (#78)
- Improve/stats_handling @Pitterling (#75)
- gradle shadow 1.2.4 + gradlew + gradle-wrapper @Pitterling (#74)
- Upgrade gradle 2.13 -> 3.5 @Pitterling (#73)
- Improve/stats handling @Pitterling (#72)
- Refactoring/OSconfig java8 @Pitterling (#71)
- Refactoring @Pitterling (#70)
🚀 Features
- add poor language support - add fr,en,de ; replace comma decimal sepa… @Pitterling (#275)
- Improve Parser tracing @Pitterling (#272)
- create log4j logfile only when required @Pitterling (#262)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Parser tracing - minor fix for recent changes @Pitterling (#278)
🧰 Maintenance
- bump dependencies - jfreehart, slf4j, junit @Pitterling (#274)
- Bump Gradle to 7.6 @Pitterling (#268)
- migrate from log4j2 to logback @Pitterling (#266)
- Bump Gradle and gradle-extensions @Pitterling (#261)
- Bump dependencies - log4j, junit & vlsi.gradle-extensions @Pitterling (#258)
- Bump dependencies - log4j, itextpdf @Pitterling (#253)
- Bump Gradle and gradle-extensions @Pitterling (#252)