( is an efficient method presented by Google for an alternative MultiHeadedAttention
The Infini-attention incorporates
a compressive memory into the vanilla attention mechanism and builds
in both masked local attention and long-term linear attention mechanisms
in a single Transformer block. This is an unofficial PyTorch implementation of the paper.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Import necessary libraries
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import infini_attention.RoPE
from infini_attention.infini_attention import InfiniAttention
seq_len - Sequence length of the input,
emb_dim - Embedding dimension of the input,
d_head - dimension of the each head,
n_head - number of heads,
n_segments - Number of segments (must be, seq_len % n_segments == 0),
use_rope - Whether use RoPE or not, by default it's set to True,
is_causal - Use causal masking or not, by default it's set to True,
update - 'delta' or 'linear', by default it's set to 'delta',
device - 'cuda' or 'cpu', by default it's set to cpu
seq_len = 256
emb_dim = 128
n_head = 4
d_head = emb_dim // n_head
n_segments = 4 #seq_len must be divisible to n_segments
batch_size = 1
x = torch.randn(batch_size, seq_len, emb_dim)
Attention = InfiniAttention(seq_len, emb_dim, d_head, n_head, n_segments)
output = Attention(x)
- If you want to change device type:
Attention = InfiniAttention(seq_len, emb_dim, d_head, n_head, n_segments, device = 'cuda') #By default it's set to cpu.
- By default causal masking is True and memory update is linear:
Attention = InfiniAttention(seq_len, emb_dim, d_head, n_head, n_segments, is_causal = False, update = 'delta')