Automate the creation and management of invoices for a business or freelancer. The application allows users to input client information, products or services provided, quantities, and rates, then generates an invoice in PDF or other formats. It may include features such as automatic tax calculation, payment tracking, and invoice storage for streamlined financial management.
WIP, soon making a GUI would be a great step forward, a local python webservice. TODO :
"my_info": {
"name": "Ammon Schiffer",
"address": "5 random avenue",
"city": "75001 somewhere",
"phone": "+33 6 23 45 67 89",
"email": "[email protected]",
"SIRET": "12345678912345",
"VAT_number": "FR12345678912"
"client_info": {
"name": "GITHUB CORP",
"address": "6 random avenue",
"city": "75001 somewhere",
"phone": "01 71 05 38 32",
"email": "[email protected]",
"SIRET": "12345678912345",
"VAT_number": "FR12345678912"
"prestations": [
"id": "1",
"description": "Fullstack Engineering",
"unit": "Day",
"quantity": 20,
"price": 500.00,
"VAT_PCT": 0
// etc.
"notes": "lorem ipsum"
The idea would be to have a local environment that will support:
Create JSON standart + doc
Create .conf file for local dev
More informations about prestations
Sales tracking, data can be stored in storage as on a third party DB.
A minimalist interface accepting only inputs, design management is static.
Improve design by alignment.
VAT activation/deactivation.
A backup on an external cloud.
I really insist on the fact that this is a local, open-source service.