- João Pessoa - PB
IIA Public
Codes that were created for Introduction to the Artificial Intelligence, computer science mandatory class at Universidade Federal da Paraíba, taught by professor Dra. Thais Gaudencio. I do not own …
audio_studies Public
Repository to register my studies in Audio Processing
Python UpdatedMay 6, 2023 -
DS-Viewer Public
Forked from luci18530/DS-ViewerPROJETO DE ESTRUTURA DE DADOS 2022.1
Python UpdatedDec 8, 2022 -
rustin Public
Rustin' is the repository I'll use to register my learning progress with Rust!
data-structures Public
Here you can find ADTs and their implementation in C. The codes, algorithms and markdown files you'll see here are based on my studies for Data Structures classes with professor Dr. Tiago Maritan a…
wikiscraper Public
Projeto final da disciplina de Teoria da Computação, lecionada pelo professor Bruno Bruck.
machine-learning-course Public
Set of notebooks that I created in a Udemy course.
xadrez-java Public
Projeto de Xadrez para a cadeira de Linguagem de Programação I
IP Public
Exercícios da cadeira de Introdução a Programação da UFPB, lecionada pelo docente Carlos Eduardo Batista (aka. Bidu)