- Pro
This driver allows querying Polypheny from the Go programming language.
Driver for .NET using the Polypheny Prism Query Interface
The definition files for the Polypheny Prism API, a multi-model, multi-language query interface.
Control server for automating the distributed execution of polyfier verification jobs.
A self-adaptive Polystore that provides cost- and workload aware access to heterogeneous data.
How to swap logos in README when using light or dark-mode
Polypheny Connector for Python
Query-to-File allows to mount a table or the result of a query as file system using fuse.
Replacement for a Milight/LimitlessLED hub hosted on an ESP8266
polypheny / OLTPBench
Forked from oltpbenchmark/oltpbenchFork of the OLTPBench Database Benchmarking Framework containing adjustments for benchmarking Polypheny.
A simple benchmarking and testing client for Polypheny.
Polypheny-FRAM is a plugin for Polypheny-DB making it the distributed polystore.
Middleware to connect Deepmime (gesture recognition) with Polypheny. It allows building and executing query plans using gestures.
A platform for storing datasets and configurations.
A standards-compliant JDBC driver for Polypheny-DB.
A tool for deploying and managing Polypheny-DB.
Markdown-formatted Creative Commons licenses
A powerful and easy to use browser-based user interface for Polypheny-DB.
Latex Template for Bachelor and Master thesis (University of Basel, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
Guidelines, style guide and administrative stuff for the Polypheny project.
A Chronos Client created for demonstration purposes which allows to benchmark MongoDB using the YCSB benchmark.
Reference implementation of a Chronos Agent library in Java.
Chronos is a system for the automation of the entire systems evaluation workflow.