opsmtools exposes the MongoDB Ops Manager API endpoints through a simple command line script with minimal dependencies.
not all endpoint are supported yet, please contribute.
- Getting Hosts
- COMING SOON: Getting host metrics
- Getting Alerts
- Getting Alert Configurations
- Deleting Alert Configurations
- Migrating Alert Configuration from one Ops Mgr to another Ops Mgr instance
- Getting clusters
- Listing snapshots from a clusters backups
- Downloading a particular snapshot or just the 'latest'
- Downloading point-in-time backup
- Restoring backups: download and deploy any backup to another MongoDB instance
You need to have a version of Python installed in order to use mtools. Python
2.6.x (you will need to install argparse
and requests
) and Python 2.7.x are currently supported. To check your Python version,
run python --version
on the command line. Python 3.x is currently not supported.
The easiest way to install opsmtools is with curl
$curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jasonmimick/opsmtools/master/opsmtools.py
$chmod +x opsmtools.py
Or you can use your favorite method to download the single python file.
usage: opsmtools.py [-h] --host HOST --group GROUP --username USERNAME
--apikey APIKEY [--getClusters] [--getHosts] [--getAlerts]
[--getAlertConfigs] [--deleteAlertConfigs]
[--postAlertConfigs] [--migrateAlertConfigs]
[--getSnapshots] [--createRestore] [--createRestoreLatest]
[--createRestoreAndDeploy] [--targetHost TARGETHOST]
[--targetGroup TARGETGROUP]
[--targetUsername TARGETUSERNAME]
[--targetApikey TARGETAPIKEY]
[--targetPassword TARGETPASSWORD]
[--targetAuthenticationDatabase TARGETAUTHENTICATIONDATABASE]
[--targetAuthenticationMechanism TARGETAUTHENTICATIONMECHANISM]
[--alertConfigsSource ALERTCONFIGSSOURCE]
[--clusterId CLUSTERID] [--snapshotId SNAPSHOTID]
[--snapshotTimestamp SNAPSHOTTIMESTAMP]
[--snapshotIncrement SNAPSHOTINCREMENT]
[--restoreNamespace RESTORENAMESPACE]
[--outDirectory OUTDIRECTORY]
[--restoreAndDeployDropFromTarget] [--continueOnError]
Get alerts from MongoDB Ops/Cloud Manager
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--getClusters get cluster information
--getHosts get host information
--getAlerts get alerts
--getAlertConfigs get alert configurations
--deleteAlertConfigs delete ALL alert configs from host
--postAlertConfigs post ALL alert configs to host
migrate ALL alert configs from host to target
--getSnapshots get list of snapshots for a given --clusterId
--createRestore create a restore job from a given --clusterId for a
given --snapshotId
create a restore job for the lastest snapshotId
create a restore job from a given --clusterId for a
given --snapshotId (or --snapshotTimestamp,
--snapshotIncrement is optional), download and unpack
it, then deploy data in --restoreNamespace to
--targetHost NOTE: you must have the same or higher
version of Mongo binaries installed on the machine
running this script as running on the --targetHost!
--targetHost TARGETHOST
target OpsMgr/MongoDB host with protocol and port
--targetGroup TARGETGROUP
target OpsMgr group id
--targetUsername TARGETUSERNAME
target OpsMgr/MongoDB host user name
--targetApikey TARGETAPIKEY
target OpsMgr api key for target user
--targetPassword TARGETPASSWORD
target MongoDB instance password for target user
target MongoDB instance authentication database target
target MongoDB instance authentication mechanism
target user
A file containing JSON alert configs or "-" for STDIN
--clusterId CLUSTERID
id of replica set or sharded cluster for snapshots
--snapshotId SNAPSHOTID
id of a snapshot to restore
--snapshotTimestamp SNAPSHOTTIMESTAMP
point-in-time restore timestamp, format
--snapshotIncrement SNAPSHOTINCREMENT
point-in-time restore increment, a positive integer
--restoreNamespace RESTORENAMESPACE
Namespace(s) to restore from snapshot. Use "*" for all
databases. Use "foo.*" for all collections in the foo
database. Use "foo.bar" for just the bar collection in
the foo database.
--outDirectory OUTDIRECTORY
optional directory to save downloaded snapshot
optional port number to run temporary mongod to
restore snapshot from, default is 27229
optional arguments for temp mongod to restore snapshot
optional arguments for mongorestore process used to
restore snapshot to --targetHost. For example "--drop"
to force a drop of the collection(s) to be restored.
--continueOnError for operations that issue multiple API calls, set this
flag to fail to report errors but keep going
--verbose enable versbose output for troubleshooting
required named arguments:
--host HOST the OpsMgr host with protocol and port, e.g.
--group GROUP the OpsMgr group id
--username USERNAME OpsMgr user name
--apikey APIKEY OpsMgr api key for the user
Use pip
to install terminaltables
to get nice ascii
tables when calling --getAlerts
and other operations.
If you are getting errors, remember to add the --verbose
to your command for useful debugging information.
Example 1: Get alerts.
$./opsmtools.py --host http://my.opsmgr.server:8080 \
--group 57598b14e4b01b9f37aadaf8 \
--username [email protected] --apikey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx \
--getAlerts --format table
+Alerts from http://my.opsmgr.server:8080--------------------------------+
| eventTypeName | status | created | replicaSetName |
| MONITORING_AGENT_DOWN | CLOSED | 2016-06-13T17:34:21Z | |
| | | Number alerts | 4 |
Example 2: Restore a backup from Ops Manager to another MongoDB instance:
./opsmtools.py --host http://ec2-127-0-0-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8080 \
--group 57598b14e4b01b9f37aadaf8 \
--username [email protected] --apikey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx \
--clusterId 575ec8aee4b0fc4aec781dfb --outDirectory ~/work/dbdump/ \
--snapshotTimestamp 2016-06-13T15:15:48Z \
--targetHost ec2-127-0-0-91.compute-1.amazonaws.com:27102 \
--restoreNamespace test.foo \
--restoreAndDeployTempPort 29299 \
--restoreAndDeployDropFromTarget \
opsmtools was inspired by (and borrows heavily from) the excellent mtools suite. Thanks, Thomas!
This software is not supported by MongoDB, Inc. under any of their commercial support subscriptions or otherwise. Any usage of opsmtools is at your own risk. Bug reports, feature requests and questions can be posted in the Issues section here on github.
Author: [email protected]