This contains a self created dumb way of installing Spark, Hive and Hadoop with instructions to PLUG and PLAY.
Hadoop - 3.2.1 Spark - 2.4.5 Hive - 3.1.2
For UBUNTU 18.04 (haven't tested with others)
My hostname - shockWAVE My username - pankaj (use the same if you don't have time to change some spark/hive/hadoop configuration files by yourself)
Open terminal and run - "bash"
Check: "java --version" "pyspark --version"
From the terminal, RUN:
3.1 'hadoop namenode -format; 3.1.1 See if hdfs is working now.
3.2 ' &&' 3.2.1 See if all services are running using - 'jps'
Install VSCODE(preferred by me) 5.1 Check python version being used - "python --version" and "python3 --version" (should be same) - 3.6.9
git clone SparkPractices from vpankaj97 (Self Advertisment I know)
Open any notebook from inside VSCODE in SparkPractices ()
Install - Python extension - runs the notebook
Note choose a Python interpretor - 3.6.x
VSCODE will ask you to install Data Science libraries, -- SAY YES.
TROUBLESHOOT - Hive and Spark
- I have used inbuilt Apache Derby as metaStore.
Problem - conflicting versions in Hive and Spark. Solution : Steps:
- If exists: Delete "metastore_db" in "$HIVE_HOME/metaStore/"
- In terminal, run "pyspark"
- run : "spark.sql("show databases")"
- metastore_db will automagically be created that works on both spark and hive.