This repository provides a reference protocol for benchmarking zero- and limited-resource automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems on the CSLU Kids corpus (LDC2007S18). Please note that this repository contains only the information for partitioning the original LDC audio files into trial lists (and a smaller set for optional training or fine-tuning purposes). Therefore, if you would like to use our ASV protocol, you need to have a copy of the CSLU Kids corpus itself (which contains the audio files). The CSLU Kids corpus can be purchased through LDC, following their licencing conditions. Users can utilize the protocol under the strict licensing terms specified at, limiting its use exclusively to non-commercial linguistic education and research. Additionally, users are required to independently license LDC2007S18 directly from the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) at before employing the protocol.
This work was partially supported by the Academy of Finland (Decision No. 349605, project “SPEECHFAKES”).
author = "Vishwanath Pratap Singh and Md Sahidullah and Tomi Kinnunen",
title = "ChildAugment: Data Augmentation Methods for Zero-Resource Children's Speaker Verification",
publisher = "the journal of acoustical society of America ({JASA}) (under review)",
year = 2024 }
- CSLU_Trial_Finetune_Metadata/test_utterances_good_42k_abs: Contains 42521 utterances from 451 Girls and 542 Boys speaker. We use these utterances as an Evaluation set for preparing the trial pairs for evaluating ASV systems.
- CSLU_Trial_Finetune_Metadata/dev_utterances_good_5k_abs: Contains 5004 utterances from 60 Girls and 60 Boys speaker. We use these utterances as a Developmental set for finetuning the scoring methods.
We share the trail list containing gender and age information in CSLU_Trial_Finetune_Metadata/trial_list_combined_with_age_gender_abs from CSLU kids corpus ( under under the Apache License, version 2.0. We do not share any audio from CSLU Kids corpus. We only provide the metadata in the trial list containing the list of utterances, age, and gender information. Under Apache License, Version 2.0 the metadata is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
<your_cslu_dir>: Replace with the path of your downloaded CSLU Kids data directory
utterance-1: enrollment utterance
utterance-2: test utterance
type-1: linguistic content of utterance-1 [word: single word, sent: sentence, alphanum: alpha numeric sentence]
type-2: linguistic content of utterance-2
target/non-target: 0: non-target pair, 1: target pair
age-1: grade of speaker in utterance-1
age-2: grade of speaker in utterance-2
gender-1: gender of speaker in utterance-1
gender-2: gender of speaker in utterance-2
SpeechBrain supports the specific data directory structure. We provide the script for preparing SpeechBrain style data directory structure below:
- cd CSLU_Trial_Finetune_Metadata
- python
- python > trial_list_combined_with_age_gender_vox_style
- Now, trial_list_combined_with_age_gender_vox_style can be used for obtaining the EER in SpeechBrain
Codes for LPC Segmental Warping Perturbations (LPC-SWP) and Formant Energy Bandwidth (FEP-BWP) Perturbations proposed in our under-review JASA paper:
Vishwanath Pratap Singh, Md Sahidullah, Tomi Kinnunen, "ChildAugment: Data Augmentation Methods for Zero-Resource Children’s Speaker Verification", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (under review).
Step-1: Download the files and copy them to your SpeechBrain directory (
Step-2: Install dependencies listed in requirements.txt
Step-3: Run the following command to train ECAPA-TDNN using LPC-SWP and FEP-BWP augmentations
python hparams/train_ecapa_tdnn.yaml
We modify and publish the ECAPA-TDNN script in SpeechBrain under the Apache License, version 2.0. SpeechBrain is released under the Apache License, version 2.0. The Apache license is a popular BSD-like license. SpeechBrain can be redistributed for free, even for commercial purposes, although you can not take off the license headers (and under some circumstances, you may have to distribute a license document). Apache is not a viral license like the GPL, which forces you to release your modifications to the source code. Note that this project has no connection to the Apache Foundation, other than that we use the same license terms.
We have utilized the utility functions in the from
We modify the ECAPA-TDNN training script published in Speechbrain (