University of Jaen
- Jaen, Jaén, Granada, Spain
- http://vrivas.es
- @vrsantos
- Pro
Es un repositorio con código HTML y CSS que implementa un menú lateral adaptable a diferentes tamaños de pantalla, ideal para diseños web responsivos.
Responsive Sidebar Menu Using HTML CSS And JavaScript | Dark & Light Mode
asignacion-individual-victor-rivas-gmail created by GitHub Classroom
Random forest for classification and regression.
Random Forest implementation for JavaScript. Supports arbitrary weak learners. Includes interactive demo.
CLI app downloader. All changes are available in the dev branch
Soluciones al Advent of Code 2022 🎄 en C++, orientadas como material docente para la asignatura de Fundamentos de la Programación del Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Jaén.
TFM (Trabajo Fin de Máster) - Universidad de Jaén
Repository to store all the info about my paper seminars in the Geneura Research Group
TFG UJA 19. Contenedores: Docker + WordPress + WooCommerce + Plugins + Themes + Config
Simple chatbot in Python using NLTK and scikit-learn
Script para conectarse a la VPN SSL de la Universidad de Jaén desde Linux
Data used in our papers, mainly from old ones, released under a free license
Implementation of EvRBF over jsEO for DCAI2016
Evolutionary Objects library written in Javascript
Paper on languages for evolutionary algorithms
Simple evolutionary algorithm in JavaScript in CommonJS format, for node.js and anything else.