This repository contains solution of task from courses at the course. In course use next technology :
Basic syntaxObject oriented programmingInput/OutputObject oriented designCollectionsGarbage CollectorMultithreadingJDBCJSP and Servlet- Hibenate
- Spring
- Algorithms
- Design Patterns
- Integration
In the project, we use Checkstyle Maven plugin to prevent malformed code and JaCoCo Maven plugin for measuring coverage. For continuous integration using GitHub Actions, we also use CodeCov for measuring coverage. In the recent updates, we have introduced mutation testing with the PIT Maven plugin.
The project has a module-based architecture. One lesson - one module. We made this division for more comfortable work with internal dependencies.
At the second chapter, we built our first Java application. It is a simple console task tracker. It has minimal functions: adding, editing, and removing or commenting on an item. It runs by the following way
java -jar start-1.0.jar
In chapter 10, I created a similar app to the one I made in the second chapter of this course. But now this app has a web interface based on Bootstrap. Instead of using JDBC, I am using Hibernate ORM. In the app, I use Ajax to send requests to the server without updating the page.