pyShortURL is a REST Api used for shortening urls
There are two options you can take, use a custom url or generate a random one
Make a POST to /random. include a JSON formatted like bellow.
"url": ""
The above will return
"isError": false,
"shortenedUrl": "SaBopD",
"url": ""
To get the original URL, make a GET to /, include a JSON formatted like bellow.
"shortenedUrl": "testeeeee"
The above will return
"isError": false,
"shortenedUrl": "testeeeee",
"url": "google.comgergregre"
Make a post request to the /custom endpoint. include a JSON formatted like bellow
"url": "",
"custom_url": "test"
The above will return a JSON
"msg": "ok",
"url": "",
"custom_url": "test"
To get the original URL, make a GET to /, include a JSON formatted like bellow.
"shortenedUrl": "test"
The above will return
"isError": false,
"shortenedUrl": "testeeeee",
"url": ""
Setup a virtual envoriment
virtualenv pyShortUrl
python -m virtualenv pyShortUrl
Clone the repo
mkdir app
git clone app
cd app/
Activate your virtual environment
source ../bin/ # replace .fish according to the shell you're using
Then install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
And make sure to create the necessary tables
Open a python shell and run
>>>import api
After that just run
flask run