This is my dev workspace setup
- Windows - Ubuntu for PC (Windows Store)
- Mac - iTerm2
- Linux - tmux
- Shell - Oh My Zsh
- Distributor - Anaconda 3
- IDE - Atom
Atom is great because of the flexibility to add any package you like. Here are my add-ons that I use:
- Hydrogen - Run code interactively, inspect data, and plot. All the power of Jupyter kernels, inside your favorite text editor.
- linter-flake8 - Atom linter plugin for Python, using flake8. I suggest every one to use this! It provides helpful reminders to design proper code.
- scripts - Run scripts based on file name, a selection of code, or by line number.
- markdown-preview-plus - Markdown Preview + Community Features
- minimap - A preview of the full source code.
- multi-cursor-plus - Improved multi-cursor functionality for Atom
- vim-mode-plus - I enjoy coding in vim so this emulator does wonders for me
- autocomplete-python - Python completions for packages, variables, methods, functions, with their arguments. Powered by your choice of Jedi or Kite.
- busy-signal - A package that provides an easy to use API to show your package is performing a task
- highlight-selected - Highlights the current word selected when double clicking
- pigments - A package to display colors in project and files.