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Efficient Multi-User Searchable Encrypted Database


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MUSES: Efficient Multi-User Searchable Encrypted Database

x86 arm

This is our full implementation for our MUSES paper.

WARNING: This is an academic proof-of-concept prototype and has not received careful code review. This implementation is NOT ready for production use.

Required Libraries

  1. NTL

  2. ZeroMQ

  3. Secp256k1

  4. EMP-Toolkit

You can run the script file to automatically install the required libraries and build source code.

sudo ./

Build & Compile

Go to the folder Server and folder Client then execute:

make clean

This is going to create executable files Server in Server folder and Client in Client folder.


  1. Launch server:
cd Server
./Server <Server_ID> <Server_Port> [-b <Bloom_Filter_Size>] [-d <Number_of_Documents>] [-w <Number_of_Writers>] [-ns <Search_Result_Size>]

For example, we launch server 1:

./Server 1 12345

Then launch server 2:

./Server 2 12345

The default parameters: Bloom_Filter_Size is 1120, Number_of_Documents is 1024, Number_of_Writers is 1 and Search_Result_Size is 255.

  1. Launch client:
cd Client
./Client [-b <Bloom_Filter_Size>] [-d <Number_of_Documents>] [-w <Number_of_Writers>] [-ns <Search_Result_Size>] 

For example:


NOTE: The configuration (including Bloom_Filter_Size, Number_of_Documents, Number_of_Writers and Search_Result_Size) need to be consistent when starting servers and client. For instance (Bloom_Filter_Size = 2000, Number_of_Documents = 32768, Number_of_Writers = 25, Search_Result_Size = 1023):

./Server 1 12345 -b 2000 -d 32768 -w 25 -ns 1024
./Server 2 12345 -b 2000 -d 32768 -w 25 -ns 1024
./Client -b 2000 -d 32768 -w 25 -ns 1024

You can start server/client applications in any order.

Configuring Number of Servers:

Change the constant defined at line 11 const int nP = 2; in file config.hpp and recompile both Server and Client.

Configuring Number of Threads:

Change the constant defined at line 9 const int MAX_THREADS = 8; in file config.hpp and recompile both Server and Client.

Configuring IP Addresses:

To run experiments with EC2 instances, we need to change the IP loopback to the IP addresses of EC2 servers as follows.

  1. Server: modify servers' IP address from line 13 to line 18 in file emp_lib/emp_agmpc/cmpc_config.h and recompile Server.
const static char *IP[] = {""
                          , ""
                          , ""
                          , ""
                          , ""
                          , ""
                          , ""}; 
  1. Client: modify servers' IP addresses at line 786 string ip_addresses[] = {"", "", "", "", "", ""}; in file Client/Client.cpp and recompile Client.

Configuring Number of Test Execution:

By default, keyword search, document update and permission revocation operations are executed one time. We can increase the number of operations to evaluate their average execution time as follows:

  1. Server: file Server/Server.cpp

Line 29 int n_secret_key_update_times = 1; is to change the number of permission revocations.
Line 80 int n_document_update_times = 1; is to change the number of document updates.
Line 181 int n_keyword_search_times = 1; is to change the number of keyword search.

  1. Client: file Client/Client.cpp

Line 74 int n_secret_key_update_times = 1; is to change the number of permission revocations.
Line 255 int n_document_update_times = 1; is to change the number of document updates.
Line 402 int n_keyword_search_times = 1; is to change the number of keyword search.

Then recompile both Server and Client.

Note: The configuration need to be kept consistent between Client and Server.


If the code is found useful, we would be appreciated if our paper can be cited with the following bibtex format:

@inproceedings {le2024muses,
author = {Le, Tung and Behnia, Rouzbeh and Guajardo, Jorge and  Hoang, Thang},
title = {{MUSES}: Efficient {M}ulti-User {S}earchable {E}ncrypted {D}atabase},
booktitle = {33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24)},
year = {2024},
address = {Philadelphia, PA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = aug,

Further Information

For any inquiries, bugs, and assistance on building and running the code, please contact me at [email protected].