Sample Spring Boot project using the Spring Cloud - Cloud Foundry Service Broker.
This sample project uses the Spring Cloud - Cloud Foundry Service Broker to implement a MongoDB service. The MongoDB service also uses spring-boot-data-mongodb to persist service instances and bindings.
You need to install and run MongoDB somewhere and configure connectivity in application.yml.
Build it:
./gradlew build
After building, you can push the broker app to Cloud Foundry or deploy it some other way and then register it to Cloud Foundry.
Add the Initial Admin User:
$ mongo
> db.createUser({ user: 'admin', pwd: 'password', roles: [{"role" : "readWriteAnyDatabase","db" : "admin"},{"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase","db" : "admin"}] });
Update your mongod.conf file to enable authorization. For example, add lines like these:
authorization: enabled
Restart your Mongo service and test that authentication is working as expected:
mongo --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "admin" -p "password"
Refer to the MongoDB docs for more details:
The service broker is configured via environment variables, which are defined in the manifest.yml
file. Make the necessary changes to the MongoDB config in order to connect to your Mongo instance.
Push the service broker as an app to Cloud Foundry:
cf push
Register the service broker using the default username and the password obtained from the previous step:
cf csb mongodb admin admin
Enable access to the service broker:
cf enable-service-access mongodb
Create a service instance:
cf cs mongodb default mymongodb