Integration tools, configuration examples, and sample of a complete stack implementation on Google Cloud. Current tools include Terraform, as well as Go and Node.js code (created prior to the Terraform integration was available)
Finally, Monitoring as Code as of Terraform 0.9! The Terraform repo for all things Circonus. It is actively being built out.
- tags are simply samples, please feel free to change accordingly
- API token can be created in your Circonus account
"telemetry": {
"circonus_api_token": "CIRCONUS-API-TOKEN"
"circonus_check_tags": "type:server, service:consul"
"circonus_submission_interval": "1s"
"telemetry": {
"circonus_api_token": "CIRCONUS_API_TOKEN"
"circonus_check_tags": "type:client, service:consul"
"circonus_submission_interval": "1s"
telemetry {
circonus_api_token = "CIRCONUS_API_TOKEN"
publish_allocation_metrics = "true"
circonus_submission_interval = "1s"
publish_node_metrics = "true"
circonus_check_tags = "type:client, service:nomad"
telemetry {
circonus_api_token = "CIRCONUS-API-TOKEN"
circonus_check_tags = "type:server, service:nomad"
circonus_submission_interval = "1s"
publish_node_metrics = "true"
telemetry {
circonus_api_token = "CIRCONUS-API-TOKEN"
circonus_submission_interval = "1s"
circonus_check_tags = "type:server, service:vault"
More configuring information, as well as a full stack example, can be found in the hashiconf-napa-2016 github repo
- activate-metrics_by_search Activate metrics (which are currently available) via search query.
- deactivate-metrics_by_search Deactivate metrics via search query.
- deactivate-complete-allocs Deactivation of "Complete" Allocations.
- create_cgc - Create Cluster, Graph, and CAQL Check for Numeric or Histogram metric types
- create_cluster - Creating a Metric Cluster from a Query
- create_cluster_and_graph - Creating a Metric Cluster and Graphfrom a Query
- delete_checks_by_tag - Delete all checks with TAG
- delete_clusters_by_tag - Delete all clusters with TAG
- delete_graphs_by_tag - Delete all clusters with TAG
- create-cluster.js
- deactivate-complete-lost-allocs.js
- deactivate-metrics.js
- deactivate-complete-allocs.js
- deactivate-lost-allocs.js
- find-running-allocations.js