Main repository for the Linera protocol
Onchain-focused SDK with ready-to-use templates, themes, and magical animated components ✨
Automate TikTok view boosting with CAPTCHA bypass using Tesseract OCR.
Translate manga/image 一键翻译各类图片内文字
TikTok Automation Bot (appium-based TikTok account creation and video posting on real devices iOS / Android)
Tinder Automation Bot (appium-based Tinder account creation and swiping on real devices iOS / Android)
Bumble Automation Bot (appium-based Bumble account creation and swiping on real devices iOS / Android)
Video Repurposing Bot (FFmpeg-based video repurposing bot for TikTok, Instagram and YouTube)
Image Repurposing Bot (PIL-based image repurposing bot for Instagram, Tinder and Bumble)
This Python bot automates Instagram posts 100% (Generates an image [Dall-E3], Analyzes for: Title, Description & Hashtags [GPT-Vision] & Upload [Instagrapi]).
MasterCryptoFarmBot is a foundational system for building crypto farming and airdrop bots for Telegram-based games.
Automate LinkedIn Easy Apply job applications and answer application-specific questions.
Jobs_Applier_AI_Agent_AIHawk aims to easy job hunt process by automating the job application process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple jobs in a tailored way.
Automatic and permanent proxy collection and update center for free (updated every hour)
⭐️ A proxy scraper made using Protractor | Proxy list Updates every three hour 🔥
Free proxy list (HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5) and auto-updates & check/validate every 4-6 hours.
🚀 Free HTTP, SOCKS4, & SOCKS5 Proxy List * Updated every 5 minutes *
Auto-updated SOCKS5 proxy list + proxies for Telegram
I contribute to the community for free, but sometimes people urge me without offering any help.
Looking to maximize rewards on HOT (Near Protocol), Timefarm, and 10 other Telegram crypto games? This Python script monitors and claims rewards by simulating mouse movements and keystrokes in a re…
FREE PROXY LIST (Gets Updated Every 10 Minutes). included HTTP(S) Proxy.