models Public
Forked from tensorflow/modelsModels built with TensorFlow
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 13, 2017 -
rtb-papers Public
Forked from wnzhang/rtb-papersA collection of research and survey papers of real-time bidding (RTB) based display advertising techniques.
1 UpdatedDec 28, 2015 -
wormhole Public
Forked from dmlc/wormholePortable, Scalable and Reliable Distributed Machine Learning, support various platforms including Hadoop YARN, MPI, etc.
dmlc-core Public
Forked from dmlc/dmlc-coreA common code-base for Distributed Machine Learning in C++
C++ Other UpdatedOct 27, 2015 -
ccard-lib Public
Forked from chaoslawful/ccard-libC library for estimating cardinality in streams for which it is infeasible to store all events in memory
C UpdatedFeb 10, 2015 -
rabit Public
Forked from dmlc/rabitReliable Allreduce and Broadcast Interface
C++ Other UpdatedJan 21, 2015 -
lwan Public
Forked from lpereira/lwanExperimental, scalable, high performance HTTP server
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 31, 2014 -
SparkInternals Public
Forked from JerryLead/SparkInternalsNotes talking about the design and implementation of Apache Spark
1 UpdatedDec 17, 2014 -
librec Public
Forked from guoguibing/librecLibRec: A Java Library for Recommender Systems, see
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 27, 2014 -
big-data-made-easy Public
Forked from izenecloud/big-data-made-easyBig Data Made Easy
MIT License UpdatedNov 20, 2014 -
awesome-machine-learning Public
Forked from josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learningA curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
Python UpdatedOct 23, 2014 -
display-advertising-challenge Public
Forked from songgc/display-advertising-challengeCriteo/Kaggle Competition of CTR prediction
loan-default-prediction Public
Forked from songgc/loan-default-predictionLoan Default Prediction at Kaggle
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 2, 2014 -
sf1r-ad-delivery Public
Forked from izenecloud/sf1r-ad-deliveryAdvertising delivery engine based on SF1R
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 23, 2014 -
idmlib Public
Forked from izenecloud/idmlibData mining libraries for all iZENECloud projects
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 22, 2014 -
caffe Public
Forked from BVLC/caffeCaffe: a fast framework for deep learning. For the most recent version checkout the dev branch. For the latest stable release checkout the master branch.
C++ Other UpdatedSep 19, 2014 -
LBL4word2vec Public
Forked from qunluo/LBL4word2vecLBL model for computing distributed representtion of words
C UpdatedSep 8, 2014 -