Knowledge Work Inc.
- Tokyo, Japan
(UTC +09:00) - https://blog.wadackel.me
- @wadackel
- Pro
gha-docgen Public
📝 Generate documentation based on the Metadata of the GitHub Action.
files-sync-action Public
📦 A customizable action that synchronizes files across multiple repositories.
promptuity Public
Promptuity is a library that provides interactive prompts.
sweet-scroll Public
🍭 ECMAScript2015+ & TypeScript Friendly, dependency-free smooth scroll library.
github-pr-diff-tree Public
🌲 This action provide a comment that displays the diff of the pull request in a tree format.
vim-dogrun Public
🐶 A dark Neovim / Vim colorscheme for the GUI and 256 / true-color terminals.
fquery Public
Forked from 41y08h/fquery⚡fquery is a powerful async state management solution for flutter. It caches, updates and fully manages asynchronous data in your flutter apps.
Dart MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2024 -
go-gitlog Public
Go (golang) package for providing a means to handle git-log.
scs-with-reg-viz Public
A example repository of visual regression test using storybook-chrome-screenshot and reg-suit.
renovate Public
Forked from renovatebot/renovateUniversal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.
TypeScript Other UpdatedDec 17, 2023 -
rs-monkey-lang Public
Monkey Programming Language written in Rust.
jquery-image-changer Public
Simple jQuery plug-in that the switching of the image with the animation.
nvim-syntax-info Public
nvim-syntax-info is a plugin that displays syntax information (highlight-groups) with nvim_buf_set_virtual_text.
slack-memo-vim Public
Simple memo manager with Vim using Slack.
git-prout Public
Checkout pull request locally with Golang.
got Public
Forked from sindresorhus/got🌐 Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 15, 2021 -
react-md-spinner Public
Material Design spinner components for React.js.
svg-to-jsx-with-gui Public
It's a tool to convert SVG to JSX on Web browser.
rs-td4 Public
WebAssembly TD4 Emulator with Rust.
dot-wild Public
Use powerful dot notation (dot path + wildcard) to manipulate properties of JSON
toy-tree Public
WEB+DB PRESS Vol.117「特集1 小さく始めて,大きく改善 実戦投入TypeScript」のサンプルリポジトリ
react-stack-grid Public
Pinterest like layout components for React.js
better-name Public
Forked from Quramy/better-nameCLI tool to move JavaScript(ES2015) or TypeScript module files
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 29, 2020