- Dave
- Members of dissertation committee
- Tony
- Guidance, support, letter of recommendation
- Marusa
- guidance, letters of recommendation
- Tony
- James Jee
- Perry Gee
- Jack Hughes
- Dan Marrone
- Phil Marshall, Risa Wechsler
- Emily
- Being my first mentee
- taking raw ideas and turning them into something great
- note a few specific members and their contributions
- UC Davis cosmology group
- Teachers
- Chris F., Lori, Lloyd, Andy, Patricia Boeshaar
- Students
- Brian (especially), Dave, Nicholas, Marius, Greg, Andrew, Sam, Paul, Ami, Jim, Chris, Jacqueline, Karen, Ali (?)
- Teachers
- Funding agencies
- Chandra, HST, UC Davis,
- Astronomy community as a whole, whose generally open practices made progress much easier, telescopes, conferences
- parent friends
- Mom (healthy sense of overconfidence), Jim, Father and Thomas
- Nanny
- Kerri (dedicate to her), Evry and Lander
- Introduction (about 4-10 pages)
(Much of this can be transferred from my talk)
- Overview of Standard Model of Cosmology
- Briefly how do we know what we "know"
- Highlight Dark Matter
- Historical review
- Zwicky, Rubin, Clowe & Markevitch
- Why dark matter and not modified gravity (merging clusters)
- Generaly accepted properties
- Nearly collisionless
- Compare in relation to baryons (quantity, interaction, etc.)
- Historical review
- Motivation for studying SIDM
- Early motivation and work (missing satellite problem, Spergel & Steinheardt)
- Early constraints. SIDM ruled out? (Miralda-Escudé 2002, Yoshidal et al. 2000, Dave et al. 2001, Gnedin & Ostriker 2001, Randall et al 2008, Hennawi & Ostriker 2002)
- Recent motivation (Dwarf core problem, Too Big to Fail, Central densities of clusters, recent SIDM simulation)
- How SIDM may resolve these "problems"
- Narrow window of parameter space to probe (Rocha et al. 2013)
- Why merging clusters may be best probe
- Note degeneracy of baryon and SIDM physics in these motivating probes (motivate merging clusters)
- How merging clusters are probes of SIDM
- Simple picture of merging cluster (diagram)
- 4 ways of constraining SIDM with merging clusters
- Highlight the galaxy-dark matter offset method
- Highlight advantages over other SIDM probes (i.e. different baryon systematics, due to different scales)
- Note systematics involved in this measurement
- Highlight the galaxy-dark matter offset method
- Note on other probes of SIDM (beyond scope of dissertation)
- Overview of Standard Model of Cosmology
- Musket Ball Cluster: Observed Properties
- Intro
- Photometry
- Spectroscopy
- Weak Lensing
- SZ
- X-ray analysis
- Radio analysis
- Dynamics Properties of Merging Clusters
- copy from dynamics paper
- Musket Ball Cluster: Dark Matter Implications
- WL - Gas offset
- copy from my letter
- WL - Galaxy offset
- Ways of measuring the offset and uncertainty
- Recursive Centroid based
- Galaxy Poisson sampling of parent WL distribution
- How to factor in phi (i.e. angle of offset w.r.t. merger axis)?
- Systematics
- Ways of measuring the offset and uncertainty
- Conflict with Bullet?
- Physics of the galaxy dark matter offset
- Comparison of the expected offsets for the Musket Ball Cluster and the Bullet Cluster
- WL - Gas offset
- Proposed Method for Constraining SIDM (i.e. MCC Plan)
- Intro
- Ensemble approach
- Radio relic sample
- Beyond Markevitch & Randall
- Weaknesses of existing work
- Importance sampling
- Populating subhalo's with galaxies
- Hydrodynamics?
- Radio relic preliminary results
- Preliminary spec-z picture of observed mergers
- Detailed dynamics picture of Toothbrush relic
- Publications and Talks