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cactbot (ffxiv raiding overlay)

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  1. About
  2. Installing
  3. Building From Source
  4. UI Module Overview
  5. Cactbot Customization
  6. Supported Languages


cactbot is an ACT overlay that provides raiding tools for Final Fantasy XIV. This project is an overlay plugin for ngld's OverlayPlugin which itself is a plugin for Advanced Combat Tracker.

cactbot provides these modules:

  • raidboss: built-in timelines and triggers:

timeline screenshot triggers screenshot

  • oopsyraidsy: mistake and death reporting

oopsy screenshot

  • jobs: condensed gauges with buff and proc tracking

rdm jobs screenshot

  • eureka: Eureka NM tracking map

eureka screenshot

  • fisher: Fishing cast time tracking

fisher screenshot

  • dps: extra features for dps meters

xephero screenshot

Video Examples



Install .NET Framework version 4.6.1 or above.

You must have DirectX 11 enabled for Final Fantasy XIV.

Install the 64-bit version of Advanced Combat Tracker, if you have not already.

Download and add the most recent version of ravahn's FFXIV ACT plugin to ACT. You must enable parsing from the network and make sure that ACT is not firewalled. Make sure the settings for the FFXIV plugin have the "Include HP for Triggers" button checked. This is under Plugins -> FFXIV Settings -> Parse Options.

You must have the latest x64 version of the ngld OverlayPlugin installed and working in ACT. You must use the ngld version of OverlayPlugin and not the original RainbowMage version or the hibiyasleep fork.

fflogs has a good guide to setting up ACT and OverlayPlugin if you prefer video or would like more instructions on how to set these two tools up properly.

Installing cactbot

  1. Find the latest release and download the file for that release. (You likely do not want either of the Source zip files.)

  2. Right click on the zip file, go to properties. In the bottom right corner of the properties menu, click "Unblock", and then "OK" to close the menu.

  3. Unzip the release zip file. (If there is no cactbot\CactbotOverlay.dll file, you downloaded the wrong zip file.)

  4. Close ACT, if it's still running.

  5. Copy the cactbot\ folder from inside of the unzipped folder anywhere on disk. Your user folder, aka %UserProfile% aka C:\Users\Username is a great place. You can also put it in your C:\...\Advanced Combat Tracker\ folder as well, but will get security prompts whenever you change it.

  6. If you already have an existing cactbot\ folder in the location you have copied it, you will be prompted to confirm if you want to merge files with existing files. Click the Do this for the next N conflicts checkbox and then the Move and Replace checkbox. If you end up with an cactbot\cactbot\ folder then you have done something wrong.

folder structure

  1. Add cactbot\CactbotOverlay.dll as an ACT plugin. In the ACT -> Plugins -> Plugin Listing tab, click the Browse button and find the cactbot\CactbotOverlay.dll where you saved it on disk in the previous steps. Then click Add/Enable Plugin.

add plugin

  1. Verify your plugins are in the correct order. The order should be: FFXIV Plugin first, then OverlayPlugin, then cactbot. It should look like the following:

plugin order

  1. Restart ACT.

  2. Now add a new overlay in the OverlayPlugin tab in ACT, and choose MiniParse as the type.

  3. In the URL field, browse to an html file to load. You do not need to check This is an overlay that requires ACTWebSocket.

    ui/test/test.html is a good place to start to make sure everything is set up properly.

For more instructions about adding and configuring cactbot overlays, see the Adding Overlay Modules section.

Potential errors and workarounds

If you get an error in the OverlayPlugin console similar to Exception in SendFastRateEvents: Method not found: 'Void RainbowMage.HtmlRenderer.Renderer.ExecuteScript(System.String)'. then you are still using the RainbowMage version of OverlayPlugin. You need to upgrade to the latest x64 full version of the ngld OverlayPlugin instead.

If you get an error in the OverlayPlugin console similar to System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: '!!0[] System.Array.Empty() then you have installed the wrong .NET framework version. Please install the .NET Framework version 4.6.1 or above.

If you get a CAS policy error on starting the OverlayPlugin, such as An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous version of the .NET Framework. then this means that you have forgotten to unblock some/all of your DLLs (either OverlayPlugin or cactbot). First, stop ACT. Then, unblock everything; the easiest way is to unblock the original zip file and re-extract rather than unblocking every file individually. Finally, restart ACT again.

If you get an overlay plugin error similar to Error: (overlay): Exception in SendFastRateEvents: Could not load file or assembly 'FFXIV_ACT_Plugin, Version=(version), Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. then you likely need to unblock the ffxiv plugin. See the instructions above for unblocking DLLs.

If triggers or pieces of the UI do not work, ensure that "Disable Parsing from Network Data" is not checked in the FFXIV plugin settings. Network data is required for accurate trigger timing.

Building from source

Follow all the steps above for installing cactbot first.

  1. Follow the instructions in the dummy.txt file in CactbotOverlay/ThirdParty/OverlayPlugin.
  2. Follow the instructions in the dummy.txt file in CactbotOverlay/ThirdParty/ACT.
  3. Open the solution in Visual Studio (tested with Visual Studio 2017).
  4. Build for "Release" and "x64".
  5. The plugin will be built as bin/x64/Release/CactbotOverlay.dll.
  6. Add the built plugin directly as an ACT plugin. In the ACT -> Plugins -> Plugin Listing tab, click the Browse button and find the bin/x64/Release/CactbotOverlay.dll where this file was built. Then click Add/Enable Plugin.

UI module overview

The ui/ directory contains cactbot's ui modules. If you installed cactbot following the instructions above, this will most likely be C:\...\Advanced Combat Tracker\OverlayPlugin\cactbot\ui.

Each cactbot ui module should be added as a separate overlay. See the Adding Overlay Modules section for more details about setup.

raidboss module

To use this module, point cactbot at ui/raidboss/raidboss.html.

This module provides a visual timeline of upcoming events in a fight, as well as text and audio notifications to help increase raid awareness. Text and sound alerts can be based on the fight timeline, or come from log messages that occur in the game, similar to ACT's "Custom Triggers". The module is designed to look and feel similar to the BigWigs Bossmods addon for World of Warcraft.

Fight timelines are provided in files designed for the ACT Timeline plugin, documented here with some extensions.

There are three levels of text alerts, in order of escalating importance: info, alert, and alarm. Text messages will be in one of these, and more important levels are larger and more eye grabbing colors. Text-to-speech can be configured if you prefer that over on screen text.

Timeline files are found in ui/raidboss/data/timelines. Triggers for text and sound alerts are found in ui/raidboss/data/triggers.

In this screenshot, the raidboss module is highlighted, with the timeline circled in red, and the text alerts circled in yellow, with an alert-level text message visible.

raidboss screenshot

To use this module, point cactbot at ui/oopsyraidsy/oopsyraidsy.html.

This module provides mistake tracking and death reporting. Oopsy raidsy is meant to reduce the time wasted understanding what went wrong on fights and how people died. During the fight, only a limited number of mistakes are shown (to avoid clutter), but afterwards a full scrollable list is displayed.

When somebody dies, the last thing they took damage from is listed in the log. For example, if the log specifies: ":skull: Poutine: Iron Chariot (82173/23703)" this means that Poutine most likely died to Iron Chariot, taking 82173 damage and having 23703 health at the time. The health value itself is not perfect and may be slightly out of date by a ~second due to a hot tick or multiple simultaneous damage sources.

When mistakes are made that are avoidable, oopsy logs warning (:warning:) and failure (:no_entry_sign:) messages, explaining what went wrong.

Mistake triggers are specified for individual fights in the ui/oopsyraidsy/data folder.

oopsy screenshot

jobs module

To use this module, point cactbot at ui/jobs/jobs.html

This module provides health, mana, and tp bars, as well as icons and timer bars for big raid buffs such as The Balance and Trick Attack. It also features a food buff warning to keep up your food buff when leveling or raiding, and a visual pull countdown.

It has more fleshed out support for some jobs but is strongly a Work In Progress for others.

  • Red Mage: Shows white/black mana, tracks procs for Verstone, Verfire and Impact, and shows the state of the melee combo in progress.
  • Warrior: Shows the beast amount, and tracks the remaining Storm's Eye buff time in gcds.
  • Monk: Shows chakra count, remaining greased lightning time, and tracks monk buffs and debuffs.

In this screenshot, the jobs module is highlighted for the Red Mage job. The health and mana bars, as well as Red Mage white/black mana tracking is circled in purple, with the large raid buff tracking pointed to beside it in orange. The first step of the melee combo has been executed, which is displayed as the yellow box above the health bar. The proc tracking is circled below in green.

jobs screenshot

eureka module

To use this module, point cactbot at ui/eureka/eureka.html

This module provides automatic tracking of NMs that are popped or have been killed. It shows gales/night timers and any local tracker link that has been pasted in chat. Any flags in chat are also temporarily included on the map.

It currently does not read the tracker information directly. However, if you click on the left/red "Copy killed NMs" button in the tracker to copy the list of currently dead NMs, you can paste it in game, e.g. /echo ★ NMs on cooldown: Serket (7m) > Julika (24m) > Poly (54m)

If you do not see the emoji, make sure you have installed this Windows update.

eureka screenshot

fisher module

To use this module, point cactbot at ui/fisher/fisher.html

When you cast your line at a fishing hole, this module keeps track of when you reel in particular fish so that you know what you might be getting when you hook it.

fishing screenshot

Cast times are currently only logged as you fish, so there won't be any data until you've caught each fish. Green bars represent light tugs, yellow is a medium tug and red bars are legendary/heavy tugs.

See here for examples of the different tug types.

dps meters

cactbot can be used with any dps meter overlay designed for OverlayPlugin's miniparse addon, with the option to build out more features through cactbot's additional Javascript APIs. cactbot also auto-stops fights on wipes, so you can configure ACT's fight time to infinity.

The xephero dps meter is based on the same dps meter built for miniparse, with the additional ability to do per-phase dps tracking, displayed in additional columns. In the screenshot below the phases are named B1, B2, B3. These autogenerate from dungeon bosses, but could be used to differentiate raid fight phases.

xephero screenshot

The rdmty dps meter is based on the same dps meter for miniparse, and updated for Stormblood jobs and recolored to match fflogs.

rdmty screenshot

This small module sticks the current pull count for raiding bosses on screen. This is primarily for folks who stream a lot and want to review video footage. Having a number on screen makes it easy to scrub through video and find particular pulls to review.

pull counter screenshot

test module

To use this module, point cactbot at ui/test/test.html

This module is just an onscreen test of cactbot variables and is not meant to be used while playing. It can be useful to try out to make sure everything is working as expected or to use to help debug writing your own module.

test screenshot

Adding overlay modules

Here's an example of how to set up the raidboss overlay module. Adding other modules is exactly the same, except you need to point the URL to a different HTML file for that specific module.

To add a cactbot module is the same as adding any overlay plugin.

  1. Open ACT.

  2. Navigate to the Plugins tab of ACT and then the OverlayPlugin.dll tab inside it.

    overlay plugin tab screenshot

  3. Click the "New" button and then select `MiniParse in the "Type" dropdown.

    new overlay plugin screenshot

  4. Type in any name you'd like as the name of this overlay, e.g. raidbossy.

  5. A good example to start with is the raidboss module. Set the filename to be ui/raidboss/raidboss.html. Your config should look like this.

    raidboss plugin config

  6. At this point, you should see some bunched up test UI appear on screen. cactbot provides default test UI and a blue background to help with resizing and placing overlays on screen. These all go away when the overlay is locked in the config panel for the overlay.

    raidboss plugin sizing

  7. Uncheck the Enable Clickthru box on the config panel. Then, in FFXIV, click and drag the lower right corner of the raidboss overlay to resize it. Click and drag anywhere else on the raidboss overlay to move it. This will make it look a lot better. You can configure this with CSS if you want even more control. It should look something like this:

    raidboss plugin final

  8. Once the overlay is in the right place, check the Lock Overlay and the Enable Clickthru boxes.

    The "Test bar", "ALARM TEXT", and shaded blue background will disappear once the overlay has been locked.

  9. If you want to test the raidboss plugin, teleport to Summerford Farms, and follow these instructions.

Cactbot Customization

See this documentation for more details.

Supported Languages

cactbot is tested and works with the English, German and French versions of Final Fantasy XIV.

Unicode characters are supported thoughout, through the use of the helpers in the resources/regexes.js file. However timelines and log event triggers may be incorrect if names that appear in the ACT log events are different.


FFXIV JavaScript Raiding Overlay



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  • JavaScript 89.5%
  • C# 4.5%
  • Python 3.4%
  • HTML 1.4%
  • CSS 1.2%