Download the .pr0 and .binds file by clicking the green
"Clone or download" button and select "Download Zip"
. -
Once the zip has been downloaded, Extract the files to a Folder of your chosing (Like the desktop).
Open ````"X52ProEliteV223.pr0"
in the software then save it to
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\SmartTechnology Profiles"```. -
"X52ProElite v2." needs to be copy & pasted into
"C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings"
.- It will show up in the 'Controls' drop down ingame as
"X52ProElite v2.2.3"
- It will show up in the 'Controls' drop down ingame as
If you have already python and make, nothing to worry about, just run make deploy
and make collect
If you don't have python, install it and put it in the path, or install it and modify the Makefile with the path to your python.exe
If you don't want to use make, check the Makefile on how to run the script and just do that.
the tool is shit. sorry, there is no way to put it softer. is just really bad. having said that, amazing people can get amazing results with it. I struggled.
If you change 1 setting, in 1 of the modes, the other 3 will change too.
If you want to change a setting, is better to do it first in the profile editor.
If you want to change a setting that already has a button, and is assigned in ED, change it in the profile.
if it doesn't exist yet, add a key combination there. then go to E:D