> npm install
> node index.js
Some children have trouble reading out loud. We want to make a system in which kids can have a fun time reading out loud by providing a reward system that allows them to also be part of the story using augmented reality.
The child would read a sentence out loud and the sentence would be transcribed using Google's Speech Recognition service. When their speech matches the sentence, the child receives a prize in the form of a AR face filter (a virtual mask). That mask would be related to the story (eg. if the story talks about a puppy, the mask would be a puppy).
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Google Cloud Platform. Face tracking was developed using tracker.js
Team members did not know how to use Node.js or Google's Speech Recognition Service / Cloud platform.
We were able to get the AR web application to work and it was able to place a mask on top of the user's face. And we devised a business model by having a series of books that can be sold and have different filters.
Node.js. CSS. Google Cloud Platform.
We learn how to integrate Google's Speech Recognition service with our application.