The goal is to create a web application using Flask framework to manage inventory of a list of products in respective warehouses. Imagine this application will be used in a shop or a warehouse that needs to keep track of various products and various locations.
The application should cover following functionalities:
Database Tables:
Product (product_id
Location (location_id
ProductMovement (movement_id
, timestamp, from_location
, to_location
, product_id
, qty
Primary keys can be text / varchar Any one, or both of from_location
and to_location
can be filled. If you want to move things into a location, from_location
will be blank, if you want to move things out, then to_location
will be blank.
Add/Edit/View Product
Add/Edit/View Location
Add/Edit/View ProductMovement
Balance quantity in each location
Use Cases:
Create 3/4 Products
Create 3/4 Locations
Make ProductMovements
Move Product A
to Location X
Move Product B
to Location X
Move Product A
from Location X
to Location Y
(make 20 such movements)
Get product balance in each Location in a grid view, with 3 columns: Product
, Warehouse
, Qty
Setup a Virtual Enviorment for your system
python -m venv env
Activate Virtual Enviorment
- For Windows
- For Linux
source env\bin\activate
Installing dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
flask run
python -m flask run