This repository contains scripts related to retrieving full-transcript orthologs from a reference list of lncRNAs.
The programs were designed for Unix-based operational systems, so you can use them in any Linux or MacOS computer. For Windows systems you need either specific compilers or a Virtual Machine in addition. To obtain the repository in a Unix machine and use it locally, you can either download the repository directly from the GITHub webpage, or you can clone the repository in the terminal with the following command line:
git clone retrieves full transcripts from a list of ortholog splice sites of lncRNAs. The main input for the script is a MAP_FILE from the SpliceMap Pipeline (Nitsche et al 2015); the output is in BED12 format.
perl --input MAP_FILE --db REF_BED --map_threshold N --reference SPECIES --blast_address FILE --blast_threshold I --blast_thread T --db_reg_exp EXP --lower_seq_thresh L --upper_seq_thresh U
Mandatory parameters:
--input: site MAP_FILE from the SpliceMap Pipeline
--db: REF_BED, or BED12 reference lncRNA database
--map_threshold: splice map threshold for excluding unlikely real splice sites, N can be: undef, -3, 0, 3, etc. (recommended stringent threshold: 3)
--reference: alias of the reference species, example: hg38, ponAbe2, rheMac3, mm10, etc. as in the input MAP_FILE
--blast_address: a file containing two rows divided by a tab: first row with species alias (hg38, mm10, etc.) and second row with full path to index files for BLASTN
--blast_threshold: e-value I threshold for filtering BLASTN hits
--blast_thread: T number of threads to run BLASTN
--db_reg_exp: regular expression EXP used to select lines from the --input MAP_FILE based on the --db REF_BED (e.g. ENST for human Gencode transcripts, ENSMUS for mouse, etc.)
--lower_seq_thresh: lower sequence length threshold L of input sequence to BLAST (anything shorter than L is not submitted to BLAST and marked as invalid reconstruction)
--upper_seq_thresh: upper sequence length threshold U of input sequence to BLAST (anything longer than U is not submitted to BLAST and marked as invalid reconstruction)
As an example of how the script works, you can use the MAP_FILE from this repository. It was created using as reference the human species (hg38) and following catalog of lncRNAs from GENCODE: gencode.v26.long_noncoding_RNAs.bed. The following species and genome versions were used for obtaining the ortholog splice sites: chimpanzee (panTro4), bonobo (panPan1), orangutan (ponAbe2) and rhesus macaque (rheMac3).
You should have all of the five genomes unpacked at your server
Uncompress the MAP_FILE from this repository, by using the following command on your bash
tar xvzf
Modify the blast-address.txt to include the correct $PATH to your genomes (remember to download the correct versions)
Check that your machine has enough memory
Consider that this script requires a high baseline memory. For a 2.6 Mb REF_BED and a 670 Mb MAP_FILE, it required 25 Gb of memory, running on a 32 Gb memory machine.
Example usage:
perl --help
perl --input --db gencode.v26.long_noncoding_RNAs_100.bed --map_threshold 3 --reference hg38 --blast_address blast-address.txt --blast_threshold 1e-10 --blast_thread 3 --db_reg_exp ENST --lower_seq_thresh 30 --upper_seq_thresh 100
retrieve-fasta retrieves FASTA sequences from a BED12 file and a reference genome.
Compile the C program to an executable first:
gcc -o retrieve-fasta retrieve-fasta.c
And then run the executable to retrieve the sequences:
retrieve-fasta GENOME_FASTA BED_FILE transforms GFF3 features, or types, into BED12 lines. The parameter --type corresponds to the third column of the GFF file that you wish to transform to BED12 (e.g. CDS, mRNA, gene, etc). The script is currently set to ignore introns, so the BED12 will have only 1 block.
perl --gff GFF3_FILE --type TYPE and retrieve-fasta.c are refered in the following publication:
"SSS-test: a novel test for detecting positive selection on RNA secondary structure", Maria Beatriz Walter Costa, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen, Marko Dunjic, Peter F. Stadler and Katja Nowick. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019
To build the ortholog splice sites, please consult the following publication:
"Comparison of splice sites reveals that long noncoding RNAs are evolutionarily well conserved", Anne Nitsche, Dominic Rose, Mario Fasold, Kristin Reiche and Peter F Stadler. RNA. 2015
The manuscript on the greedy approach for retrieving full transcripts of lncRNA orthologs is under preparation.
If you have any questions or find any problems, contact the developer: [email protected]
Maria Beatriz Walter Costa