DPS-Net: Deep Polarimetric Stereo Depth Estimation
Python scripts form performing stereo depth estimation using the high res stereo model in PyTorch .
[TPAMI'23] Unifying Flow, Stereo and Depth Estimation
Python scripts for performing stereo depth estimation using the HITNET Tensorflow model.
In this project, we try to implement the concept of Stereo Vision. We test the code on 3 different datasets, each of them contains 2 images of the same scenario but taken from two different camera …
Depth Estimation Using Stereo Cameras
VideoLLM-online: Online Video Large Language Model for Streaming Video (CVPR 2024)
ALIbaba's Collection of Encoder-decoders from MinD (Machine IntelligeNce of Damo) Lab
Repository of Transformer based PyTorch Time Series Models
TimesFM (Time Series Foundation Model) is a pretrained time-series foundation model developed by Google Research for time-series forecasting.
PointCRT: Detecting Backdoor in 3D Point Cloud via Corruption Robustness (MM '23)
TerDiT: Ternary Diffusion Models with Transformers
Codebase for the paper "How Crucial is Transformer in Decision Transformer?". Containing experiments on different pendulum tasks and code for Decision LSTM architecture. Extension of the original D…
[CVPR 2024 Highlight] Official repository for the paper "3DGStream: On-the-fly Training of 3D Gaussians for Efficient Streaming of Photo-Realistic Free-Viewpoint Videos".
Toy Gaussian Splatting visualization in Unity
Predicting Depth Completion Error-Map For High-Confidence Dense 3D Point-Cloud
Applys error compensation to point clouds taken with a laser scanner (TLS).
Implementation from scratch of Learning 3D Shape Recovery using Point Cloud Module and Depth Monocular Prediction
PointLIE: Locally Invertible Embedding for Point Cloud Sampling and Recovery (IJCAI 2021)
This is an error concealment system for LiDAR point clouds, which can be used to generate experimental results. If you want to generate your own dataset as input, please use our co-simulator.
An Improved Langchain RAG Tutorial (v2) with local LLMs, database updates, and testing.
A simple Langchain RAG application.
OpenMMLab's next-generation platform for general 3D object detection.
OpenPCDet Toolbox for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection.
Official PyTorch Implementation of "Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers"
[AAAI2024] A Perspective of Q-value Estimation on Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning