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Tutorial of basic remote sensing and GIS methodologies using open source software (GDAL in Python or R)
分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
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📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
Codebase for the paper LSTM Fully Convolutional Networks for Time Series Classification
Deep Learning for Time Series Classification
Time Series Classification Benchmark with LSTM, VGG, ResNet
《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning
高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux
Time series Timeseries Deep Learning Machine Learning Python Pytorch fastai | State-of-the-art Deep Learning library for Time Series and Sequences in Pytorch / fastai
Time series classification and clustering code written in Python.
Text classification using deep learning models in Pytorch
Natural Language Processing Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
pyclustering is a Python, C++ data mining library.
Python Knowledge Handbook by Python数据之道, website:
Akkariiin / electron-ssr
Forked from erguotou520/byeShadowsocksr client using electron
A Python package for interactive geospatial analysis and visualization with Google Earth Engine.
text classification with deep learning model and traditional ways
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