The datasets and source code of the NDSS 2025 paper《BinEnhance: An Enhancement Framework Based on External Environment Semantics for Binary Code Search》.
Eval Part
[Eval] If you just want to evaluate the improvement of BinEnhance on the five baselines, you can complete the steps in this section.
- Install the required environment, the python environment we use is python3.8
pip install -r Requirements.txt
Download the evaluation dataset from OneDrive:
This evaluation dataset contains embeddings of all test binary functions generated by the five methods used in the paper (HermesSim1, TREX2, Asteria3, Asm2vec4, Gemini5), as well as all embeddings enhanced by BinEnhance. There are 13 folders after unpacking the evaluation dataset.
are the embedding files generated by the original method and BinEnhance (from Dataset D2_norm). The other models are similar.Eval_datas
is the evaluation function pool of different models.RDFs
are all functions with readable data features.save_models
is our trained model. -
Use the storage path of the evaluation dataset downloaded in step 2 to run
python --data-path="xxx/dataset2_Eval"<br>
Training and Inference Part of BinEnhance
[Train] If you want to reproduce the BinEnhance Framework, you can try it by the following steps.
[PS:] The following steps require the IDA Pro tool to extract our eesg, GPUs to train, and other requirements (such as multiprocessing). You may need to modify some settings in some code (such as binary_dir path). If you do not have the above conditions, you can run the Eval part. We have provided the intermediate results.
- Install the required environment, the python environment we use is python3.8
pip install -r requirements_train.txt
- Node Initial Embedding Generation.
[Function Node] After obtaining the function embeddings of baselines, we can run the following function to delete the first '.' in the function name.
def get_unified_funcname(funcname):
if len(funcname) > 0:
if '.' == funcname[0]:
funcname = funcname[1:]
return funcname
And then run to reduce the dimension of embeddings.
python --input-dir xxx --output-dir xxx --dimension xxx
[String Node] We can run to generate the embeddings of strings after running the IDA scripts (step 3).
python --input-dir xxx --output-dir xxx --dimension xxx --model-path xxx
- EESG construction and SEM train.
We need to modify IDA_script/ and Run IDA python scripts in the IDA_script folder to extract EESG.
python --process-num 30 --output-dir xxx
Then, we need to split our EESG files, function embeddings, and string embeddings to train, valid, and test (8:1:1). After this, modify the corresponding path (eesg, function embeddings and string embeddings of each class) in Finally, run the train our SEM model.
python --base-path xxx --model-save xxx --fis HermesSim --name dataset2
- Eval.
See the Eval part.
Datasets in our paper
D2_norm and D2_noinline in the paper (The homologous function pairs for the evaluation of the function inline scenario can be constructed from them): These datasets can download from normal_dataset and noinline_dataset in Binkit.
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