SmartPush,一款iOS苹果远程推送测试程序,Mac OS下的APNS工具APP,iOS Push Notification Debug App
A powerful and easy to use category view (segmentedcontrol, segmentview, pagingview, pagerview, pagecontrol) (腾讯新闻、今日头条、QQ音乐、网易云音乐、京东、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、淘宝、天猫、简书、微博等所有主流APP分类切换滚动视图)
Recording all OC methods in the main thread takes time
A skeleton screen loading framework based on native for iOS. (一个由iOS原生组件映射出骨架屏的框架,包含快速植入,低耦合,兼容复杂视图等特点,提供国内主流骨架屏动画的加载方案,同时支持上拉加载更多、自定制动画。)
无业务入侵,无逻辑入侵,业务端察觉不到 UITableView/UICollectionView 的 广告注入框架
ScrollView嵌套ScrolloView(UITableView 、UICollectionView)解决方案, 支持OC / Swift(持续更新中...)实现原理:
一行代码添加文本点击事件/a fast way to implement click event text
Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming in Objective-C and Swift.
a simple and usefull cycle pager view ,and auto scroll banner view(轮播图) ,include pageControl for iOS,support Objective-C and swift
📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation made by @Ramotion
基于MVC架构的iOS轻量级框架,封装了基类、基于猿题库YTKNetwork的网络服务、工具库,NavigationController转场动画/瀑布流/粒子动画/小demo,已适配iOS11 & iPhone X。欢迎Star🌟
A barcode and qr code scanner (二维码、扫码、扫一扫、ZXing、ZBar、iOS系统AVFoundation扫码封装,扫码界面效果封装)
网易新闻, 腾讯视频, 头条 等首页的滑块视图联动的效果OC版的简单方便的集成, 滑块 segmentVIew, scrollViewController(Providing an easy way to reach the effect that "the segment scrolls with the content")
Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout