There are the structions for using the codes.
Before using our codes, you'd better rebuild the liblinear.(Run "make" in "liblinear/matlab")
Place the Original DATASET in the folder "DATA"
####Step 1. Segment valid videos and Segment test videos
First, run
and ''to use sliding window method to segment videos.
The output valid_segmented.list
and 'test_segmented.list' file saved segmentation points.
####Step 2.Generate Isolate video from Continuous videos Run 'Segment_depth_train.m','Segment_RGB_train.m','Segment_depth_valid_seg.m','Segment_RGB_valid_seg.m','Segment_depth_test_seg.m' and 'Segment_RGB_test_seg.m' in the folder 'video'
####Step 3.Generate DMM
Run 'DMM4training4Depth.m','DMM4training4Rgb.m','DMM4valid4Depth.m','DMM4valid4Rgb.m','DMM4test4Depth.m','DMM4test4Rgb.m'
####Step 3.Generate DFDI
Run 'DFDI4training4Depth.m','DFDI4training4Rgb.m','DFDI4valid4Depth.m','DFDI4valid4Rgb.m','DFDI4test4Depth.m','DFDI4test4Rgb.m'
####Step 4. Steps for training using caffe step1. Install Caffe following the original README of Caffe.
step2. step into the every folders in "caffe4ConGD", and train the models.
Run "sh" Run "sh" Run "python" Run "sh"
You'd better training depth-part first, and use the model of depth as the pred-trained model to train RGB part.
####Step 6.Steps for training using Tensorflow
step1. Install Tensorflow-0.11 and Tensorlayer
step2. Modify the class RNNLayer in tensorlayer/ according to the in the folder "LSTM"
step3.Copy the folder "image4LSTM" into "LSTM" folder.
step4. train the network Run ""(about 60000 iterations) Run ""(about 60000 iterations) Run "" (about 60000 iterations) Run ""(about 60000 iterations) step5. Fine-tuning the RGB neural network using the Rgb models as the pre-trained model, and fine-tuning the depth neural network using the Rgb models as the pre-trained model.
####Step 7.Generate the test_prediction.txt
step1.Step in LSTM, run "python", "","",""
step2. run the code "" in the folder. Please change caffe_root in the very beginning
step3. run the code "main4submit.m" in the folder. And the file "test_prediction.txt" will be create.