An easy-to-use utility for merging photos to into a video, written in Swift.
- Support iOS 8, Swift 1.2, xCode6.3.
- Singleton pattern, just few lines of code for using.
- Can compose Photos into a video file with a background music.
- Customized CALayer Animation can been exported into a video file.
##Usage Create your own CAAnimation, and pass it to WSDynamicAlbumMaker.
let videoURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("BaseVideo", ofType: "m4v")!) // 1
let audioURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("music", ofType: "mp3")!) // *2
let renderLayerSize = WSDynamicAlbumMaker.sharedInstance.querySizeWithAssetURL(videoURL: videoURL!) // *3
let albumLayer = createSequenceAlbumCALayer(renderLayerSize) // 4
let duration = 10 // 5
WSDynamicAlbumMaker.sharedInstance.createDynamicAlbum(videoURL: videoURL!, renderLayer: albumLayer, duration: duration, completionBlock: { (url, error) -> Void in
if let err = error {
// error accured during exporting
} else {
// export DONE!
// you can do more with the *url*
- Prepare a 1s-length-video, just used as a canvas to draw CAAnimations on, so really don't care about the video's content.
- Choose the background music. (also you can ignore it, to create a silent video)
- Ask WSDynamicAlbumMaker for the size of the rendering video which you create in setp 1, and you can make your animation based on the Size.
- Create a CALayer instance, with all animation setted up, this CALayer instance will be persistented into a video file.
- Point out the Animation's duration.
- Go create the Dynamic Album, WSDynamicAlbumMaker will generate a video with the content of the animations in the CALayer instance .
About more pleace checkout the Demo.
##Demo Project Screenshot