Neural network architecture for time series forecasting.
This packages relies heavily on numpy
, scipy
, pandas
, theano
and keras
. Check on their repositories how to install them first.
Then, simply fetch the package from PyPI.
sudo pip install nnet-ts
Using Box & Jenkins classical air passenger data.
from nnet_ts import *
time_series = np.array(pd.read_csv("AirPassengers.csv")["x"])
Create a TimeSeriesNnet
object and specify each layer size and activation function.
neural_net = TimeSeriesNnet(hidden_layers = [20, 15, 5], activation_functions = ['sigmoid', 'sigmoid', 'sigmoid'])
Then just fit the data and predict values:, lag = 40, epochs = 10000)
neural_net.predict_ahead(n_ahead = 30)
Did we get it right? Let's check
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(range(len(neural_net.timeseries)), neural_net.timeseries, '-r', label='Predictions', linewidth=1)
plt.plot(range(len(time_series)), time_series, '-g', label='Original series')
plt.title("Box & Jenkins AirPassenger data")
plt.xlabel("Observation ordered index")
plt.ylabel("No. of passengers")