Online Exam System written on Python 3. Your can first try it on
基于Python 3的在线考试系统。你可以先在这里体验这个考试系统。
Create question database and add questions into it.新建题库并向其中添加题目。
Create and manage accounts for your students.添加并管理你的学生。
Create and start an online examination.创建并开始一场在线考试。
Your students could login in and join the exam on the website.学生登录网站并开始考试。
Auto grade after students finish exam.学生完成考试后自动评分
Check every student’s answer and grade in every exam.查看学生的考试成绩(developing...)
Python 3 with flask, jinja2, pycryptodome 安装了flask、jinja2和pycryptodome的Python 3
Tip: Following only to introduce the usage in LAN,
It is similar for Internet use except the servershould be able to be accessed through Internet.
Install the requirement upon.安装环境需求
Double click the and finish the settings by order.(normally set the port 80)
Visit the website using your ip as url and sign in the administrator account you set on last step.
Login with the account provide by teacher and enter a exam ongoing, click the submit button and wait for grade when finish the exam.
In fact you can modify the autograder.
By default, we provide the "standard"(default) autograder and the "clangcalc"(designed for C programming exam) autograder.
You can write your own autograder with python 3 and use it on the system.
你可以用Python 3自己写一个评分器,并在这个系统中使用
Login into your admin account and enter the question database manager and check the question setting. You can change the grader in the textbox next to the question id. If the grader’s .py file is, you should input clangcalc there.
The grader‘s .py file should include a function named calc which receive two parameters(the first one is the student's answer and the last is the standard answer) and return a number from 0 to 1 as the correct rate. The .py file should placed on the same folder with