Now used with version 24.3. We’re up to date, son.
- Uses built in Ruby mode.
- C+c C+c for comment and uncomment a region
- C-S-m to see magit status
- M+/ to autocomplete function names (type the first letters and hit M+/ and it’ll autocomplete)
We use el-get as our package manager. That means you will boot up your emacs for the first time, install el-get with the code below and then reboot emacs. I think that’s the easiest way to put it.
-2. Install emacs using homebrew (chances are you are on OS X) brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head --cocoa --srgb
-1. Git clone this repo to ~/.emacs.d/
0. Boot emacs.
1. Paste this code into your scratch buffer:
(url-retrieve "" (lambda (s) (let (el-get-master-branch) (goto-char (point-max)) (eval-print-last-sexp))))
2. With the cursor at the end of this code snippet hit C+j ;; C+j means to hold down the Control Key and press the letter j at the same time.
3. Reboot Emacs.
You will see your machine download recipes/packages in the minibuffer. If you get any ‘errors’, especially time out errors, just reboot emacs agin. el-get runs at startup and will look for recipes that were added, that it didn’t have at last startup.
If it really borks, just rm -rf ~/.emacs.d/
and start again.
Keep an eye on here, as i get the urge to make things better every once in awhile.