Spatio-Temporal architecture to solve dynamic combinatorial optimization and this code base build on top of the following code (
Currently, dynamic versions of Travelling Salesmen Problem (TSP) and Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) are supported.
Install following libraries
- Python>=3.8
- NumPy
- SciPy
- PyTorch>=1.7
- tqdm
- tensorboard_logger
Or use env.yml for the complete list of libraries. You can use Anaconda for the installation.
Use the following script to generate test graph instances.
E.g: To generate 100 graphs with 20 nodes for dynamic TSP
--problem dynamic_tsp
--name <dataset_name>
--seed 4321
--graph_size 20
--dataset_size 100
For dynamic VRP use --problem dynamic_cvrp
Use the following script to start training GTA-RL for dynamic TSP with
--problem dynamic_tsp
--model st_attention
--graph_size 20
--baseline rollout
--run_name 'dynamic_tsp'
--val_dataset <location of the generated validation dataset>
If the --val_dataset is not provided, the validation dataset will be automatically generated.
To enable GTA-RL in real-time mode use "--use_single_time"
Refer to for the complete list of parameters
The pretrained models are available under pretrained folder. E.g. pretrained/dynamic_tsp_20 contains the trained model for dynamic tsp with 20 nodes
Use the following script to evaluate the trained model.
python <location of the generated dataset>
--model pretrained/dynamic_tsp_20/GTA-RL/
--decode_strategy <decode stratergy>
--eval_batch_size 1
Possible options for --decode_strategy are "greedy" and "bs" (for beam search). Use --width with "bs" option.
Use the following script to visualize the solution.
python <location of the generated dataset>
--model pretrained/dynamic_tsp_20/GTA-RL/
--decode_strategy <decode stratergy>
--eval_batch_size 1
--plot_index <index of the batch to plot>
For now, only the dynamic TSP problem works with plotting. Use --use_gurobi to plot the solution with gurobi to the same plot_index
We thank attention learning to route [] for an easily extendable codebase.