Task objects是Async++的核心组件。
- spawn() 创建任务
auto my_task = async::spawn([] {
return 41;
ready() 任务是否完成
wait() 等待任务完成
get() 等待任务完成并获取返回值
then() 延续任务,任务完成后调用 阻塞问题是很难可靠地预测任务何时完成。可以在任务完成后立即使用一个函数来调度一个函数,通过使用then()成员函数完成任务。
// Spawn a task
auto t1 = async::spawn([] {
return 43;
// Chain a value-based continuation
auto t2 = t1.then([](int result) {
return result;
// Chain a task-based continuation
t2.then([](async::task<int> parent) {
std::cout << parent.get() << std::endl;
- when_any() 任意任务完成时回调
async::task<char> tasks[] = {
async::spawn([] {return 'A'; }),
async::spawn([] {return 'B'; }),
async::spawn([] {return 'C'; })
[](async::when_any_result<std::vector<async::task<char>>> result) {
std::cout << "Task " << result.index << " finished with value "
<< result.tasks[result.index].get() << std::endl;
- when_all() 全部任务完毕执行完毕才调用
- cancel() 取消任务
- share()
get_task() 获取关联任务
set(T) 设置信号并执行任务
// Create an event
async::event_task<int> e;
// Get a task associated with the event
auto t = e.get_task();
// Add a continuation to the task
t.then([](int result) {
std::cout << result << std::endl;
// Set the event value, which will cause the continuation to run
有时,最大性能是必需的,并不是所有的特征都由ASYNC ++提供。local_task类提供完全不可复制的、不可移动的任务类型,它们完全驻留在堆栈上。它不需要内存分配,但只支持一组受限制的操作:它不支持连续性和组合,它所允许的唯一操作是get()、waite()和ready(),并且它的析构函数中有一个隐式waite()。
auto&& t = async::local_spawn([] {
std::cout << "Local task" << std::endl;
- parallel_invoke 并行调用
void example1_paraller_invoke()
// 并行调用
async::parallel_invoke([] {
std::cout << "This is executed in parallel..." << std::endl;
}, [] {
std::cout << "with this" << std::endl;
- parallel_for 并行遍历
async::parallel_for({ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, [](int x) {
std::cout << x;
- parallel_reduce 元素合并 parallel_reduce()用于将范围的所有元素组合成单个元素。与并行对象一样,范围被分割成块并并行处理。
void example3_paraller_reduce()
int r1 = async::parallel_reduce({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, [](int x, int y) {
return x + y;
std::cout << "The sum of {1, 2, 3, 4} is " << r1 << std::endl;
int r2 = async::parallel_map_reduce({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, [](int x) {
return x * 2;
}, [](int x, int y) {
return x + y;
std::cout << "The sum of {1, 2, 3, 4} with each element doubled is " << r2
<< std::endl;
//The sum of (1,2,3,4) is 10
//The sum of (1,2,3,4) with each element doubled is 20
- irange() and make_range()
int gArray[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int* get_numbers()
return &gArray[0];
size_t get_num_numbers()
return sizeof(gArray) / sizeof(gArray[0]);
async::parallel_for(async::irange(0, 5), [](int x) {
std::cout << x;
std::cout << std::endl;
int* numbers = get_numbers();
size_t num_numbers = get_num_numbers();
async::parallel_for(async::make_range(numbers, numbers + num_numbers),
[](int x) {
std::cout << x;
std::cout << std::endl;
- static_partitioner() and auto_partitioner()
// Split the range into chunks of 8 elements or less
async::parallel_for(static_partitioner(async::irange(0, 1024), 8),
[](int x) {
std::cout << x << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
- default_threadpool_scheduler()
- inline_scheduler()
- threadpool_scheduler()
void example1()
// Spawn a task in a new thread
// 立即创建一个线程
auto t = async::spawn(async::thread_scheduler(), [] {
std::cout << "Running in a separate thread!" << std::endl;
// Create a new thread pool with 10 threads
// 立即创建一个线程
async::threadpool_scheduler custom_pool(10);
// Spawn a continuation in the thread pool
t.then(custom_pool, [] {
std::cout << "Running a continuation in inline scheduler!" << std::endl;
// Create a FIFO scheduler
async::fifo_scheduler fifo;
// Queue a local_task in the FIFO
auto&& t2 = async::local_spawn(fifo, [] {
std::cout << "Running a local task from the queue!" << std::endl;
// Execute all tasks queued in the FIFO in the current thread
// 创建10个线程
- Custom schedulers