#Poloniex lending bot
Poloniex lending bot is written in Python for automatic lending on Poloniex exchange. It will lend automatically all cryptocurrencies found in your lending account.
It uses an advanced lending strategy which will spread offers across the lend book to take advantage of possible spikes in lending rates. Inspired by MarginBot and BitfinexLendingBot.
Click the chart to see our workflow management with Waffle.io
##Install ###Linux
git clone https://github.com/Mikadily/poloniexlendingbot
cd poloniexlendingbot/
python lendingbot.py
When you first run the script a default.cfg will be generated. Edit it with your apikey and secret values.
Install poloniexlendingbot - go to https://github.com/Mikadily/poloniexlendingbot and click the "Download Zip" button on the right. Unzip it into any location you choose.
Install Python from https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.10/python-2.7.10.msi . Run the executable. Choose to install the feature Add python.exe to Path on local hard drive during installation; Python should then be installed in C:\Python27
Check that Python runs. Open a new command prompt as administrator by typing cmd.exe into the Start menu and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Type python and you should see something like:
Python 2.7.10 (default....
Go to location where you unzipped the bot and double click (run) lendingbot.py. It will run briefly and generate default.cfg. Open it with your favorite editor, replace YourAPIKey and YourSecret with one's you generated on Poloniex.
Double click (run) lendingbot.py again. Off you go!
apikey = YourAPIKey
secret = YourSecret
#sleep between active iterations, time in seconds (1-3600)
sleeptimeactive = 60
#sleep between inactive iterations, time in seconds (1-3600)
#set to same as sleeptimeactive to disable
sleeptimeinactive = 300
#minimum daily lend rate in percent (0.00003-0.05)
mindailyrate = 0.04
#max rate. 2% is good choice because it's default at margin trader interface.
#5% is max to be accepted by the exchange (0.00003-0.05)
maxdailyrate = 2
#The number of offers to split the available balance across the [gaptop, gapbottom] range. (1-20)
spreadlend = 3
#The depth of lendbook (in percent of lendable balance) to move through
#before placing the first (gapbottom) and last (gaptop) offer.
#If gapbottom is set to 0, the first offer will be at the lowest possible rate.
#However some low value is recommended (say 10%) to skip dust offers.
gapbottom = 10
gaptop = 200
#Daily lend rate threshold after which we offer lends for 60 days as opposed to 2.
#If set to 0 all offers will be placed for a 2 day period (0.00003-0.05)
sixtydaythreshold = 0.2
#Minimum loan size the minimum size of offers to make, bigger values prevent the bot from loaning small available amounts but reduce loans fragmentation
minloansize = 0.001
#AutoRenew - if set to 1 the bot will set the AutoRenew flag for the loans when you stop it (Ctrl+C) and clear the AutoRenew flag when on started
autorenew = 0
#custom config per coin, useful when closing positions etc.
#syntax: ["COIN:mindailyrate:maxactiveamount",...]
#if maxactive amount is 0 - stop lending this coin. in the future you'll be able to limit amount to be lent.
#coinconfig = ["BTC:0.18:1","CLAM:0.6:1"]
#this option creates a json log file instead of console output which includes the most recent status
#uncomment both jsonfile and jsonlogsize to enable
#jsonfile = www/botlog.json
#limits the amount of log lines to save
#jsonlogsize = 200
#enables a webserver for the www folder, in order to easily use the lendingbot.html with the json log
#startWebServer = true
If spreadlend = 1
and gapbottom = 0
, it will behave as simple lending bot lending at lowest possible offer.
View Arguments Documentation in the Wiki
Under www folder you can find lendingbot.html webpage, it can be used to parse the json output file.
- currently javascript expects 'botlog.json' file to be in the same folder i.e. jsonfile = www\botlog.json (or webserver folder)
- will refresh every 30sec
- events log is presented in reverse order - last is on top
- uncomment startWebServer = true if you need a webserver for viewing, this will start a simple webserver.
If you find it useful, please consider donating some bitcoins: 1MikadW4iKTJ54GVrj7xS1SrZAhLUyZk38