Analfist provides and API for parsing and analyzing an AndroidManifest.xml file or files.
It requires the following tools to be installed/in the current PATH for some functionality to work
- apktool (
- android sdk (
Analfist can be installed to sys.path:
$ sudo python install
In order to use the library. Alternatively, run Analfist without installation using:
$ python Analfist/
And has the following options:
usage: [-h] [-p [PATH]] [-v] [--picky] [-g] [-f [FILTER]] [-d] [-m]
Process some manifests.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p [PATH], --path [PATH]
Path to search for AndroidManifest.xml files. Default
= current directory
-v, --verbose Turn debugging statements on
--picky Don't analyze Google and standard APKs
-g, --get Download apks from the device via ADB. Use -f for
-f [FILTER], --filter [FILTER]
Download only apps which has this keyword in the class
name (e.g. OEM name)
-d, --decompile Decompile applications after download.
-m, --perm-map Create a map of custom permissions and which apps
request them. Default true.
Its API functions are:
Returns Boolean: isDebuggable isUIDShare
Returns List: getExportedActivity getExportedService getExportedProvider getExportedReceiver getHiddenMenuActivities getSecretCodes getUsesPermissions getCustomPermissions
See each function's PyDocs string for a short description. None of the API calls take parameters.
- Add custom permissions
- Add UID sharing
- Default intent-filter false in Android 4.1+
- Finish mapping permissions