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Simulator of digirule 2 ( written in Python.


Windows platform

You can get the MSI installer here :

Just install the program. Launch Main.exe.

Linux platform

A standalone AppImage can be found here :

Just download the .AppImage file, make it executable and clic on it.


I don't have a valid developper certificate, so my build won't launch for security reasons. You have to proceed manually and launch the program from source. Here is the procedure :

  1. download and install python (3.6 minimum - 3.8.5 is the latest version when I write this guide and works fine) :
  2. open a terminal window and install the following packages via your favorite Python package manager (pip or conda)
    • pyside2
    • serial
    • serial-tool

sudo pip3 install pyside2 serial serial-toolshoud do it. 3. Go into the DigiQt source directory and launch the program : python3

Instruction set

DigiQt offers the *Digirule 2A and 2U instruction set. Choose in the button the model corresponding to the hardware you want to simulate.

Assembler Quick guide

Assembler special directives

  • %define : defines constants. Usage : %define NAME VALUE
// Constants
%define myNumber  42

Some symbols corresponding to Digirule registers are already defined : - _sr : Status Register (252) - _br : Button Register (253) - _ar : Address Register (254) - _dr : Data Register (255) - _z : Zero FLag (0) - _c : Carry FLag (1) - _sar : Show Address Register FLag (2)

  • %data : Inserts one or many bytes in the code. Usage : %data NAME byte1 byte2 ... byten
// Variables declarations
%data index 0
%data lineadr 0

// Drawing
%data POV 126 129 165 129 165 153 129 126
  • %org : Allows you to choose the value of program counter where the following code will take place. This can be useful if you want your variables to take place at a specific location.

Example :

// some stuff
// ...

%org 248
%data myVariable 0xFF
%data otherVariable 0x01

The myVariable variable will be at location 248, otherVariable will be at location 249.


Labels begin with :.

	copyir lineadr _dr
	incr lineadr
	decrjz index
	jump loop


Comments begin with //


You can put ofsets just after a symbol (variable name or label). It will allow you to deal easily with multi-bytes variables.

Example : you want to access second byte of the bigNumber variable

// copies 0xC1 into acccumulator
copyra bigNumber 
// copies 0x06 into acccumulator
copyra bigNumber+1 

%data bigNumber 0xC1 0x06

Ofsets are not additions !


Numbers are 8 bits long and can be in decimal (127 for example), in hexadecimal beginning with 0x(0xC1) or in binary beginning with 0b (0b11110101).


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