awesome-adb Public
Forked from mzlogin/awesome-adbADB Usage Complete / ADB 用法大全
MIT License UpdatedSep 1, 2016 -
AndroidUtilCode Public
Forked from Blankj/AndroidUtilCodeAndroid开发人员不得不收集的代码(持续更新中)
Java UpdatedAug 31, 2016 -
Awesome-RxJava Public
Forked from uknownothingsnow/Awesome-RxJavaRxJava resources
UpdatedJan 29, 2016 -
Android-Tips Public
Forked from tangqi92/Android-TipsAn awesome list of tips for android.
Java UpdatedSep 25, 2015 -
android-utils Public
Forked from jingle1267/android-utilsIt contains most of the Android utility classes.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 22, 2015 -
BGARefreshLayout-Android Public
Forked from bingoogolapple/BGARefreshLayout-Android多种下拉刷新效果、上拉加载更多、可配置自定义头部广告位
Java UpdatedJul 22, 2015 -
android-training-course-in-chinese Public
Forked from kesenhoo/android-training-course-in-chineseAndroid官方培训课程中文版
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 18, 2015 -
MutiPhotoChoser Public
Forked from laomengzhu/MutiPhotoChoser可以多选的图片选择器
Java Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedJul 13, 2015 -
fresco-docs-cn Public
Forked from liaohuqiu/fresco-docs-cnChinese documentation for fresco. The github pages site is: http://fresco-cn.org/
JavaScript UpdatedJul 7, 2015 -
BGABanner-Android Public
Forked from bingoogolapple/BGABanner-AndroidSplash界面滑动导航+各种切换动画自动轮播效果
Java UpdatedJul 5, 2015 -
AndroidEventBus Public
Forked from hehonghui/AndroidEventBusA lightweight eventbus library for android, simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 23, 2015 -
MultiStateView Public
Forked from Kennyc1012/MultiStateViewAndroid View that displays different content based on its state
Java UpdatedMay 21, 2015 -
LitePal Public
Forked from guolindev/LitePalAn Android library that allows developers to use SQLite database extremely easy.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 21, 2015 -
emojicon Public
Forked from rockerhieu/emojiconA library to show emoji in TextView, EditText (like WhatsApp) for Android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 3, 2015 -
dialogplus Public
Forked from icefoggy/dialogplusSimple,easy dialog for android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 26, 2015 -
BadgeView Public
Forked from stefanjauker/BadgeViewAn extended TextView that mimics the iOS Springboard 'badges'. It can be overlaid on any other item.
Java UpdatedDec 21, 2014 -
TTAndroidClient Public
Forked from fusky/TTAndroidClientThe android client of mogutt
Java UpdatedOct 21, 2014 -
android-crop Public
Forked from jdamcd/android-cropAndroid library project for cropping images
Java UpdatedOct 19, 2014 -
BaseAnimation Public
Forked from zhoufengjob/BaseAnimationBaseAnimation network Android animation set, custom controls, nearly 200 kinds of source code! BaseAnimation, if a new version is updated automatically to remind everyone, I hope everyone will cont…
Java UpdatedSep 3, 2014 -
android-segmented-control Public
Forked from Kaopiz/android-segmented-controlios7 UISegmentedControl for android
Java UpdatedJun 11, 2014 -
pinterest-like-adapter-view Public
Forked from youxiachai/pinterest-like-adapter-view类似Pinterest瀑布流的ListView组件
Java UpdatedOct 16, 2013