Ptyhon xlrd常用函数用法介绍
Edit existing excel workbooks and sheets with xlrd and xlwt
Open an excel file and get one of the sheets
import xlrd
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(filename="test1.xlsx")
sheet_names = wb.sheet_names()
sheet = wb.sheet_by_name(sheet_name=sheet_names[1]) # returns a xlrd.sheet.Sheet() object
# sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(1)
# sheet = wb.sheets()[1]
wb.sheet_loaded(sheet_names[1]) # check if a sheet is fully loaded
# sheet.nrows
# sheet.ncols
Get rows (or colons, or cells) from a sheet
sheet_rows = []
for i in range(sheet.nrows):
cell_value = sheet.cell_value(0,0)
cell_value = sheet.cell(0,0).value
Write data to excel
from xlutils.copy import copy
rb = xlrd.open_workbook(filename="test2.xlsx")
wb2 = copy(rb)
sheet2 = wb2.get_sheet(0)
nrows = len(sheet_rows)
ncols = len(sheet_rows[0])
for i in range(nrows):
for j in range(ncols):
sheet2.write(i, j, sheet_rows[i][j])"test2.xls")
OpenPyXL official tutorial
Open an excel file and get one of the sheets
import openpyxl
wb1 = openpyxl.load_workbook("test1.xlsx")
wb1_sheet_names = wb1.sheetnames
wb1_sheet = wb1[wb1_sheet_names[1]]
# sheet = wb1.worksheets[0]
# wb1_sheet.title
# nrows = wb1_sheet.max_row
# ncolumns = wb1_sheet.max_column
Access data
wb1_sheet_data = [] # access all data
for row in wb1_sheet.rows:
row_data = []
for cell in row:
wb1_sheet_data = np.array(wb1_sheet_data) # converting to a np array becayse 2D list cann't do index slicing
a = wb1_sheet['A2'] # access data by cell
a = wb1_sheet['A2':'D4']
a = ws.cell(row=4, column=2, value=10)
wb1_sheet['A2'] = 3
b = wb1_sheet['A'] # access data by column
b = wb1_sheet['A':'D']
c = wb1_sheet[3] # access data by row
c = wb1_sheet[3:5]
Write and save data
wb1_sheet_data_extracted = wb1_sheet_data[0:5, 0:3] # extract useful data
nrows = len(wb1_sheet_data_extracted)
ncols = len(wb1_sheet_data_extracted[0])
for i in range(nrows):
for j in range(ncols):
wb2_sheet.cell(row=i+1,column=j+1).value = wb1_sheet_data_extracted[i,j] # write data to each cell"test2.xlsx")