Currently, this shows a Brittles report. The Brittles report contains three sub-reports:
- MostChanged - These are the files which change most often. Likely this indicates areas of fragility in the code. These are good areas for target refactoring, unit testing, and code coverage.
- MostChanges
- Adds - The files with the most additions. Be wary of files which grow quickly. You might be putting too much logic in them.
- Deletes - The files with the most deletions. These are usually good changes and indicate good refactoring practices.
GitStats.exe [branch name]
GitStats.exe C:\projects\GitStats\ 200 master
GitStats.exe C:\projects\GitStats\ 200
FileName NumberOfTimesChanged PercentTimesChanged
xxx\Web.config 15 30.0
xxx\BLL\Services\Orders\OrderDuplicationService.cs 15 30.0
xxx\DAO\OrderDAO.cs 11 22.00
xxx\Payment.aspx.cs 6 12.00
xxx\OrderLogistics.aspx 5 10.0
xxx\DAO\GiftCertificateDAO.cs 5 10.0
xxx\BLL\Services\Payments\GiftCertificate\GiftCertificate.cs 5 10.0
xxx\Services\Orders.asmx.cs 4 8.00
xxx\BLL\Services\Cart\CartValidationService.cs 4 8.00
xxx\BLL\Services\Fees\FeeService.cs 4 8.00
xxx\UserControls\OrderDetails\CartSummary\ConfirmOrderSummary.ascx 3 6.00