Code generation library to manage key-value data for Android
SipApp is a simple application to demonstrate how to create voice call android application based on sip server
Easy-to-use text encryption support library with "Android KeyStore System".
Building an executable fat jar in Kotlin Gradle DSL with a default main class and arbitrary alternate main classes
Gradle plugin that creates JaCoCo test reports for Android unit tests
The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2019 Tokyo
Adapter and LayoutManager for Android RecyclerView which enables sticky header positioning.
Easily add Sticky Headers to your RecyclerView
An android recyclerview sticky item view layout manager library
Xcode iPhoneOS (iOS) DeviceSupport files (6.0 - 17.0)
Galway Bus Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
📸 A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing all of the common issues and needs. Real-time filters, gestures, watermarks, frame proces…
Library for Android Camera 1 and 2 APIs. Massively increase stability and reliability of photo and video capture on all Android devices.
An easy-to-use customisable show case view with circular reveal animation.
⛔️ DEPRECATED Material Design tap target for Android.
App Debugging & Inspection Tool for Android
A lightweight wrapper around SQLiteOpenHelper which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.
A simple, annotation-based library for making deep link handling better on Android
One-click screenshots, video recordings, app installation for iOS and Android
Video list auto playback made simple, specially built for RecyclerView
The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo
Groupie helps you display and manage complex RecyclerView layouts.
RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets.
A showcase of Flux architecture patterns for Android apps.
Reactive API for SQLiteDatabase and ContentResolver.