This library is still in Alpha version.
This is an unofficial POEditor Swift library. The main purpose of this library is to make available string translations without being forced to static Localizable.strings files that can be updated only with new releases.
POEditorSwift downloads translations using POEditor APIs and store them locally. A new update is performed only if a new version of a specific language is available remotly.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
POEditorSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'POEditorSwift'
In your AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method initialize POEditorSwift with your API key. You can find your API Key in your POEditor Account Settings Page
import POEditorSwift
POEditor.start(withKey: "YOUR-API-KEY")
Now you just have to load translations for a specific project id. Completion block will inform you if thare was an error during update phase. If error is nil everything is updated correctly.
do {
try POEditor.updateLanguages(for: PROJECT-ID) { error in
//check error on completion
} catch {
//probably you forgot to start POEditor with API key
If you don't know your project number or you prefer to load it programmatically you can gat all projects from you account using:
POEditor.getProjects { (result) in
switch result{
case .success(let projects):
//All projects
case .failure(let error):
To translate a string just use String class extension:
// Use Locale.current language code
// Force a specific language code
"myString".localize(in: "Language code, IE: en")
If the requested translation is not available it will fallback on NSLocalizedString
Before declaring this library in beta version there's still some work to do:
- Unit test the whole library
- Add Travis CI
- Add swiftlint
- I'm sure that this list is longer but i don't know how to fill it
Giuseppe Travasoni, [email protected]
POEditorSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.