GUI for sortable tree to manage data organized in tree with ancestry gem.
Works with Rails 4.
The gem uses:
- jquery-sortable plugin - jQuery Sortable UI
- nestedSortable - a jQuery plugin for nested lists which extends jQuery Sortable UI
See demo app in the repository (spec/dummy).
Run page with the tree: http://localhost:3000/categories/manage
gem 'ancestry'
gem 'sortable_tree_rails'
# config/routes.rb
resources :categories do
collection do
post :sort
This page (sort_categories_path) will be used by the gem to update data after drag&drop.
It assumes that your model has already fields in DB for ancestry.
# app/models/category.rb
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
# it uses column ancestry_depth
# has_ancestry :cache_depth=>true
Include js files in your assets file application.js:
//= require jquery2
//= require jquery_ujs
//=require jquery-ui/sortable
//=require jquery.mjs.nestedSortable.js
Add CSS file to your styles.
for SCSS (app/assets/application.scss):
... your css here ..
@import "sortable_tree";
class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
include SortableTreeController::Sort
sortable_tree 'Category', {parent_method: 'parent'}
def manage
# get items to show in tree
@items = Category.all.arrange(:order => :pos)
# app/views/categories/manage.html.haml
= render_sortable_tree(@items, {name_method: :name, sort_url: sort_categories_url, max_levels: 5, controls_partial: 'controls'})
# app/views/categories/_controls.html.haml
= link_to 'Edit', edit_category_url(item)
= link_to 'Delete', category_url(item), :method => :delete, :data => { :confirm => 'Are you sure?' }
in controller:
include SortableTreeController::Sort
sortable_tree 'ClassName', {_options_here_}
ClassName - class name (camel case). For example, 'Category'.
:sorting_attribute - attribute used for sorting (default: 'pos')
:parent_method - method used to access parent for the item (default: 'parent')
If you use ancestry in model - set :parent_method to 'parent':
include SortableTreeController::Sort
sortable_tree 'ClassName', {parent_method: 'parent', sorting_attribute: 'pos'}
- :controls_partial - specify what partial view to use to show control links for each item in a tree. Set to nil to not show controls.
Use local variable item
in the partial view.
= render_sortable_tree(@items, {__options_here})
- name_method - defined which model method (usually, a column name) will be used to show name (default: :name)
- sort_url - URL used to update data after item is moved to a new position
- max_levels - max levels to show in tree (default: 5)
read Wiki
GUI for sortable tree with awesome_nested_set gem:
- Some pieces of code was created by inspiration of gem ActiveAdmin Sortable Tree