Pretty basic, query cobbler server over xmlrpc. If you want to query a cobbler server from somewhere else, this will let you do that. If you are querying from the cobbler server, it's probably better to just use the cobber report|list|edit etc method.
''' [-h] [-n HOSTNAME] [-s SERVER] [-g GLOB] [-q] [-k] [-v] [-d] [-c CONFIG] [-l] [-z] [-u USER] [-p PASSWD] [--param PARAM] [--value PARAMVAL] '''
Pass cli options to script
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME Hostname to query for.
-s SERVER, --server SERVER Cobbler server.
-g GLOB, --glob GLOB restrict actions to hosts that match regex Example, ./ -g 'checkout-app0?.prod.' For all the checkout-app0[] in prod
-q, --quiet just tell me what systems match -g or hostname
-k, --koan Return data that koan would see, including expanding inheritance. Only works in conjunction with the n flag
-v, --verbose Extra info about stuff
-d, --debug Set logging level to debug
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
config file
-l, --list_all List all hosts
-z, --auth ask for authentication data
-u USER, --user USER username
-p PASSWD, --pass PASSWD
--param PARAM pass a parameter, requires --value also
--value PARAMVAL value of param to query for, requires --param