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- network: Name of the chain to query for. (testnet|mainnet)
- contactAddress: accepts contractAddress of the NFT which represented by the tokenId
- NFT v1 - tokenId: accepts labelhash of CNS name in both hex and int format
- NFT v2 - tokenId: accepts namehash of CNS name in both hex and int format
Request (example)
"is_normalized": true,
"name": "test1.web3",
"description": "test1.web3, an CNS name.",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "Created Date",
"display_type": "date",
"value": 1677565588000
"trait_type": "Length",
"display_type": "number",
"value": 5
"trait_type": "Segment Length",
"display_type": "number",
"value": 5
"trait_type": "Character Set",
"display_type": "string",
"value": "alphanumeric"
"trait_type": "Registration Date",
"display_type": "date",
"value": 1677565588000
"trait_type": "Expiration Date",
"display_type": "date",
"value": 1709101588000
"name_length": 5,
"segment_length": 5,
"url": "https://app.web3verse.space/setting/test1.web3",
"version": 3,
"background_image": "https://app.web3verse.space/metadata/cfxmainnet/avatar/test1.web3",
"image": "https://app.web3verse.space/metadata/cfxmainnet/0x57f1887a8bf19b14fc0df6fd9b2acc9af147ea85/0x5a907a3e636d6d6b587f784e23b74c6534793e8abcb2a1e5216edb4abb5a8c66/image",
"image_url": "https://app.web3verse.space/metadata/cfxmainnet/0x57f1887a8bf19b14fc0df6fd9b2acc9af147ea85/0x5a907a3e636d6d6b587f784e23b74c6534793e8abcb2a1e5216edb4abb5a8c66/image"
More info and list of all endpoints: https://metadata.cns.domains/docs
git clone https://github.com/web3-identity/cns-metadata-service.git
cd cns-metadata-service
cp .env.org .env // Fill in Vars
yarn dev
HOST=your_server_base_url yarn start:prod
Regular unit test;
yarn test
Unit test + coverage;
yarn test:cov
Name | Description | Default value | Options |
HOST | Host (ip/domain) address of the running service | localhost | - |
ENV | Project scope | local | local/prod |
INAMEWRAPPER | InterfaceId of NameWrapper Contract | 0xe89c48dc | - |
ADDRESS_CFX_REGISTRAR | Conflux address of CNSBaseRegistrar Contract | cfxtest:acg08bujp0kmsup1zk11c9mad7zd6648eynbcjtndm | - |
ADDRESS_NAME_WRAPPER | Conflux address of NameWrapper Contract | cfxtest:acapc3y2j7atme3bawvaex18hs36tn40uu5h6j3mtu | - |