DARC Public
Forked from Project-DARC/DARCDecentralized Autonomous Regulated Company (DARC), a company virtual machine that runs on any EVM-compatible blockchain, with on-chain law system, multi-level tokens and dividends mechanism.
Solidity Other UpdatedDec 19, 2023 -
GassistPi Public
Forked from shivasiddharth/GassistPiGoogle Assistant for Single Board Computers
Python Other UpdatedFeb 8, 2023 -
VPN-1 Public
Forked from aditya-shri/VPNPersonal VPN using Shadowsocks and v2ray
BABaseProject Public
Forked from boai/BABaseProject一个基于 MVVM 和 MVC 设计模式的基本项目框架,项目用到的各种类,各种封装,各种三方库的综合项目,欢迎大家使用!
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2018