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Support for Minecraft Servers other than CraftBukkit

mikeprimm edited this page Apr 29, 2013 · 5 revisions

Dynmap includes versions supporting servers other than CraftBukkit. Details on the latest available versions can always be found here. At present, there are 3 primary Dynmap platforms:


Spigot is fully supported via the Bukkit Dynmap.


Various version of MinecraftForge are supported, via the DynmapForge project. As with all Forge mods, each supported version requires its own binary, and upgrading Forge to a new version will require upgrading to the appropriate version of the DynmapForge mod. In both the case of upgrades and initial installation, the following procedure used for installation:

  • Download the corresponding ZIP file, appropriate for the MC version.
  • Unzip the ENTIRE ZIP file, including all subdirectories, into the base directory of the server (NOT the mods directory).
  • If upgrading, delete the older '' from the 'mods' directory.


Current versions of MCPC+ (v1.4.7 or later) are ONLY supported via the DynmapForge mods for the corresponding Forge version. The CraftBukkit version is NOT supported. To install, follow the above procedure. In order to support compatibility with Bukkit-based mods that use the API for the Bukkit-based Dynmap, you can download and install the DynmapCBBridge mod (found here. This is a Bukkit plugin, so must be installed in the 'plugins' directory, and is ONLY supported on Forge-based servers that also provide Bukkit compatibility (MCPC+ and BukkitForge).


The BukkitForge mod, which is a Forge-based mod that adds Bukkit API compatibility to a Forge server, is NOT supported by the Bukkit version of Dynmap. It IS supported via the DynmapForge deliverable, and can provide API compatibility to other Bukkit-based plugins that use the Dynmap API by installing the DynmapCBBridge plugin. Installation procedures are the same as for MCPC+, above.

Tekkit Classic

Tekkit Classic, and the older MCPC (no plus - for v1.2.5), were supported via the Bukkit version of Dynmap. These should continue to function using version of the Bukkit Dynmap that continue to support v1.2.5.


Tekkit-Lite is supported via DynmapForge, not Bukkit Dynmap. Follow all procedures appropriate for Forge.


The Spout server is supported in a development mode via the DynmapSpout project (the ongoing refactoring of Spout has made proper production support impractical so far). Installation on Spout is the same procedure as used for Bukkit (unzip into the plugins directory). Note: This is for Spout (the server), not SpoutPlugin (the Bukkit plugin). SpoutPlugin is supported via the Bukkit Dynmap.

Moving a Bukkit Dynmap installation to a Forge Dynmap installation

To migrate an existing Bukkit configuration to a Forge server (including MCPC+ or BukkitForge), do the following:

  • Move the /plugins/dynmap directory (and all its contents and subdirectories) to /dynmap on the Forge server
  • Edit configuration.txt: replace the lines for 'render-triggers' with the following:
        - blockupdate
        #- blockupdate-with-id
        #- lightingupdate
        - chunkpopulate
        - chunkgenerate
        #- none
  • Delete /plugins/dynmap.jar
  • Follow the installation procedure, above, for installing/upgrading the appropriate Forge version



Advanced Configuration

Mod Support


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