This is an ionic-datepicker
bower component, which can be used in any Ionic framework's application. No additional plugins required for this component.
This plugin is completely open source. Please rate this plugin @ Ionic Market
From version 1.0.0, this component has got so many new features and the way you should use is different from the older versions of this component. If you wish to see the documentation for the previous versions of this component, please check the previous releases
- node.js, npm
- ionic
- bower
- gulp
##How to use:
- In your project folder, please install this plugin using bower
bower install ionic-datepicker --save
This will install the latest version of this plugin. If you wish to install any specific version(eg : 0.9.0) then
bower install ionic-datepicker#0.9.0 --save
- Specify the path of
in yourindex.html
<!-- path to ionic -->
<script src="lib/ionic-datepicker/dist/ionic-datepicker.bundle.min.js"></script>
- In your application's main module, inject the dependency
, in order to work with this plugin
angular.module('mainModuleName', ['ionic', 'ionic-datepicker']){
- You can configure this date picker at application level in the config method using the
provider. Your config method may look like this if you wish to setup the configuration. But this is not mandatory step.
.config(function (ionicDatePickerProvider) {
var datePickerObj = {
inputDate: new Date(),
setLabel: 'Set',
todayLabel: 'Today',
closeLabel: 'Close',
mondayFirst: false,
weeksList: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"],
monthsList: ["Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
templateType: 'popup',
from: new Date(2012, 8, 1),
to: new Date(2018, 8, 1),
showTodayButton: true,
dateFormat: 'dd MMMM yyyy',
closeOnSelect: false,
disableWeekdays: [6]
In the above code i am not configuring all the properties, but you can configure as many properties as you can.
The properties you can configure are as follows.
a) inputDate(Optional) : This is the date object we can pass to the component. You can give any date object to this property. Default value is new Date()
b) setLabel(Optional) : The label for Set
button. Default value is Set
c) todayLabel(Optional) : The label for Today
button. Default value is Today
d) closeLabel(Optional) : The label for Close
button. Default value is Close
e) mondayFirst(Optional) : Set true
if you wish to show monday as the first day. Default value is false
, which will show Sunday as the first day of the week.
f) weeksList(Optional) : This is an array with a list of all week days. You can use this if you want to show months in some other language or format or if you wish to use the modal instead of the popup for this component, you can define the weekDaysList
array in your controller as shown below.
["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
The default values are
["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"];
g) monthsList(Optional) : This is an array with a list of all months. You can use this if you want to show months in some other language or format. You can create an array like below.
["Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
The default values are
["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
h) disabledDates(Optional) : If you have a list of dates to disable, you can create an array like below. Default value is an empty array.
var disabledDates = [
new Date(1437719836326),
new Date(),
new Date(2016, 7, 10), //Months are 0-based, this is August, 10th.
new Date('Wednesday, August 12, 2015'), //Works with any valid Date formats like long format
new Date("08-14-2015"), //Short format
new Date(1439676000000) //UNIX format
i) templateType(Optional) : This is string type which takes two values i.e. modal
or popup
. Default value is modal
. If you wish to open in a popup, you can specify the value as popup
or else you can ignore it.
j) from(Optional) : This is a date object, from which you wish to enable the dates. You can use this property to disable previous dates by specifying from: new Date()
. By default all the dates are enabled. Please note that months are 0 based.
k) to(Optional) : This is a date object, to which you wish to enable the dates. You can use this property to disable future dates by specifying to: new Date()
. By default all the dates are enabled. Please note that months are 0 based.
l) dateFormat(Optional) : This is date format used in template. Defaults to dd-MM-yyyy
. For how to format date, see: http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-
m) showTodayButton(Optional) : Boolean to specify whether to show the Today
button or not. The default values is false
n) closeOnSelect(Optional) : Boolean to indicate whether date picker popup/modal will be closed after selection. If set to true
, Set
button will be hidden. The default value is false
o) disableWeekdays(Optional) : Accepts array of numbers starting from 0(Sunday) to 6(Saturday). If you specify any values for this array, then it will disable that week day in the whole calendar. For example if you pass [0,6], then all the Sundays and Saturdays will be disabled.
- Inject
in the controller, where you wish to use this component. Then using the below method you can call the datepicker.
.controller('HomeCtrl', function ($scope, ionicDatePicker) {
var ipObj1 = {
callback: function (val) { //Mandatory
console.log('Return value from the datepicker popup is : ' + val, new Date(val));
disabledDates: [ //Optional
new Date(2016, 2, 16),
new Date(2015, 3, 16),
new Date(2015, 4, 16),
new Date(2015, 5, 16),
new Date('Wednesday, August 12, 2015'),
new Date("08-16-2016"),
new Date(1439676000000)
from: new Date(2012, 1, 1), //Optional
to: new Date(2016, 10, 30), //Optional
inputDate: new Date(), //Optional
mondayFirst: true, //Optional
disableWeekdays: [0], //Optional
closeOnSelect: false, //Optional
templateType: 'popup' //Optional
$scope.openDatePicker = function(){
Apart from the config method, you can re configure all options in the controller also. If you again set any of the properties, they will be overridden by the values mentioned in the controller. This will be useful if there are multiple date pickers in the app, which has different properties.
In all the above steps the only mandatory thing is the callback
where you will get the selected date value.
##Screen Shots:
Once you are successfully done with the above steps, you should be able to use this plugin.
The first screen shot shows the popup and the second shows the modal of this plugin.
##CSS Classes:
Other classes are same as the popup classes. You can use any one of the below classes to customise popup and modal css respectively.
The css class names for the buttons are as follows
a) For Set
button the class name is button_set
b) For Today
button the class name is button_today
c) For Close
button the class name is button_close
The whole date picker functionality has been implemented, and can be installed with bower install ionic-datepicker --save
Bug Fix. This is the latest version of ionic-datepicker
Bug Fix. If we don't pass the date to the time picker it will pick the todays date by default.
Disabling previous dates functionality added.
a) User can select the years and months using the dropdown.
b) A callback function is added.
a) Disabling future dates functionality added. You may use it for selecting DOB.
b) Customised title text for datepicker modal's added.
a) Feature for disabling particular dates has been added.
b) CSS classes added for customisation.
a) Date selection color issue fixed.
b) Added feature to show Monday as the first day of the week.
a) From
and to
dates functionality added.
b) Code re-structuring.
c) Updated node modules.
Bug#58, Bug#56, Bug#54, Bug#42, Bug#37, Bug#28
You can use either a popup or a modal for this ionic-datepicker
You can give your custom week names.
a) You can configure the ionic-datepicker from the config method.
b) You can invoke the ionic-datepicker from the controller.
c) New CSS
d) Disabling a particular day of the calendar.
Few more features are also added apart from the above mentioned features.
Bug#88, Bug#94, Bug#101, Bug#112, Bug#114, Bug#116, Bug#117, Bug#120, Bug#128, Bug#129, Bug#133, Bug#145, Bug#146, Bug#151, Bug#154, Bug#161, Bug#163, Bug#166, Bug#168, Bug#171
Lots of bug fixes. Lots of PR's merged.
CSS changes for popup, so that all the dates of all the months fits in the specified height.
##License: MIT
##Contact: Gmail : [email protected]
Github : https://github.com/rajeshwarpatlolla
Twitter : https://twitter.com/rajeshwar_9032
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rajeshwarpatlolla
Paypal : [email protected]
Comment or Rate it : http://market.ionic.io/plugins/ionicdatepicker