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Home Automator

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About   |   Features   |   Technologies   |   Requirements   |   Starting   |   License   |   Author

🎯 About

The objective of this proof of concept project is to showcase the feasibility of utilizing Jetson Nano and OpenCV in combination with a trained classification model to control lighting in a residential setting. The classification model has been specifically trained to distinguish between open and closed states of the entrance door. The lighting control system is seamlessly integrated with Homebridge for easy operation. The application constantly monitors the entrance door and adjusts the lighting accordingly.

Please note that the model provided with the repository has been trained for a specific environment and for optimal results, it is recommended to train the model for your specific environment.

This project is open source and available for modification to meet individual requirements and preferences.

✨ Features

✔️ Turn on Lights on Opening Door
✔️ Turn off Lights on Closing Door

🚀 Technologies

The following tools/technologies were used in this project:

✅ Requirements

Before starting 🏁, you need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed in your Jetson Nano.

Please refer for more details on setting up Jetson Nano.

🏁 Starting

# Clone this project
$ git clone

# Access
$ cd home-automator

# Copy .env
$ cp .example.env .env

# Edit .env values
$ nano .env

# Build Docker Image
$ run ./ or bash

# Run the project
$ run ./ or bash

# The server will initialize in the http://{jetson-ip}:8000

🌎 References

❤️ Thanks to Michael Stattelman for the inspiration.

Project Link:

Nano Certification URL:

Project Video:

📝 License

This project is under license from MIT. For more details, see the LICENSE file.

Made with ❤️ by Nizamuddin Mohamed


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